Chapter 8

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BIG ANNOUCMENT - Until I get 3 more fans I will not be posting another chapter to this story. Tell your friends about my story and get them to fan. I will not upload untill I get atleast 3 more fans. If you really like my story you will tell your friends to fan and do there thing. Until then hope you like this chapter.


Chapter 8

My eyes fluttered open and I blinked furiously in the sudden light. I was in my room in new that much but there was something warm and soft under me. It wasn't the mattress, trust me. I flipped onto my stomach and found myself face to face with my fast asleep boyfriend. His breathing faltered a little but then went back to normal. I sigh and just rested my head on his bare chest.

I caught a glimpse of my shoulder and began to look away but stopped myself. I had a tank-top on. What the-? Um I know I didn't faint in this. The last thing I remembered was falling to the ground after we had defeated the robot. I looked down my body to my lower half. I had plaid pajama pants on. Ok I don't want to know how they got them on, I only hoped Sam or Jamie had helped me into them.

Just then the door to my room opened and I quickly rolled of Jake to face the ceiling. I sat up in bed and turned my head to the door to see a huge smug look spread across Sam's face.

"Don't worry I won't tell" she whispered jokingly.

"There's nothing to tell" I said defiantly "I woke up and he was under me the last thing I remember is passing out after Matt rippped that stupid robot limb from limb."

"Whatever you say" she sang as I rose from my bed "Were all in Matt's room so come in when you wake sleeping beauty up" she smiled and winked as I left the room. I sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook Jake. He didn't budge. I shook him again and he still didn't move.

"Jake wake up" I whispered quietly at first. But the lazy guy would not wake up. I bent my head done to his face and my lips hovered over his ear.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled in my ear at the top of my lungs. I could hear snickers float across hall from Matt's room. He awoke with a start and fell out of bed landing on my feet. He got up and shook himself off. I opened the door to my room and dragged him down the hall at an inhumanly fast pace.

I opened the door to our grossly over large closet and ran to his rack. I grabbed a shirt off a hanger and threw it at him. He had to jump a little to catch it. Was it just me or was he shorter.

"Put it on" I called to him across the room. He obeyed and pulled it over his head. Now it was his turn to grab my hand and drag me down the hall to Matt's room. I twisted the door knob and pushed open the door. It swung open to reveal the rest of my 'team' including Luci sitting in a circle. They were all sitting on either a beanbag chair or a pillow or the bed.

There was only one beanbag chair left so we plopped down on it and laced our fingers together. I looked at Matt who was sitting on the bed next to Sam he smiled at me.

"How you feeling Ash?" he asked the grin on his face getting wider. Sam had obviously said something about Jake and I. Ugh I'll have to talk to her.

"Fine" I said giving no hint that I knew what Sam had done.

"Good we were worried" Luci said in a sincere voice. This time she had an English accent. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow's but let it go.

"So they want to here our story sis you mind telling them I'm kind of tiered" he smirked and rested his head against the wall. I sigh and took a deep breathe it was still a little hard to tell this story.

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