Chapter 12

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ok so like i just wanna thank MysticAutumBliss for bein such a rockin fan this ones for you


When we got off the plane we found the air outside to be hot and humid so as soon we got into the square stone building they called an airport we went into the bathroom to change into more suitable clothese.

When we got outside after changing I took a second to look around at our new surroundings. All around dry dessert streched out for miles, in the distance I could smoke risingh from a few ant sized buildings. I could tell we were in the heart of Iraq in the distance I could here bullets firering. There must be a battle going, but I couldn't pursue that thought for at that moment my pocket vibrated.

I whipped out my phine and flipped it open"Hello." My tone was assertive not questioning.

"Hellow darling please put me on speaker" I pressed a button on the screen.

"Ok." was all that came out of my mouth.

"Hellow children it's Mr. Hamlit I have instructions for, a man will arrive at the airport in a blue pickup truck, ride in the back. The driver will take you to the nearest military base there you will find a man named Jahi Sarrad he will tell you eveerything you need to know. No matter what happens you must do exactly what I told you to do. Got it?" he said.

"Yes" I said in a cool clear voice. I snapped the phone shut and looked up and down the dirt road, sure enough a cloud of dust was building behind a blue pickup truck. I hefted my bag and the weapons bag over my shoulder. Matt had his bag and the food bag Jake had his bag and the medical bag. A few minutes later the pickup truck pulled up and we piled into the back.

The ride to the nearest military base seemed to take forever but we finally got there and hopped out. A tall dark skinned man walked up to me and stuck out his hand. I shook his hand.

"I am Jahi Sarrad. Come." He turned and walked toward a low green tent. He drew the curtain back and beckoned us inside. We followed silently ducking under the side of the tent we stood up straight again and took in our surroundings. There were a few computers hooked up to generator that I had seen when we arried. A few chairs were scattered around the room as though many people had recently gotton up and left.

"The fighting started this morning and all the workers in here had to grab thier equpiment and go. They went to the base nearest to the fight zone, so this place is a ghost town except for me and a few trainees." he picked a chair up and sat down on it. He turned it towards the screen and began typing quickly, flashes of maps and blueprints zipped on and off the screen until it settled on a map of the world. All over on different pieces of land were time flashing red dots.

"What do the dots mean?" Jamie asked from behind me, I turned to see her shaking slightly next to Tim. Her eyes were darting about the tent as though looking for some kind of unseen danger. She was such a baby why couldn't she grow up I mean we're Super Human we could do anythin, why is she so afraid? I shook my head in disgust and turned back towards the screen.

"Thats an excellent question missy, every dot is over a place that there has been an earthquake."Just as he said that another dot appeared over Japan, Jahi's face turned white as a sheet. He began frantically searching for something.

"Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap" He muttered over and over under his breathe. Finally he pulled a T.V. remote out of a pile of papers and pointed it at the T.V. It immediately turned onto a news channel, people were shouting in Japaniese and runnnig around. The camra was shaking and the celing had begun to cave in, suddenly, the screen went black and a newswomans voice crackled to life.

"This was all a reality a few minutes ago in Japan where and 8.9 earthquake rocked the country. The word is-" The woman began but she was cut off by Jahi who had turned it off. He was hunched over a desk cursing words that I do not ever wish to repeat, he stomped on the ground cried out in anger.

"This is why you guys were created to fix all this, to stop whoevers doing this!" He yelled furiously, but he wasn't angry at us he was angry at the fact that he, who cared more then any other person, couldn't be out there fighting himself.

But wait, what had he said oh yeah ' you guys were created' what?

"What do you mean created?" I said my voice rasing. His face turned red and he bit his lip as though he had said something he shouldn't have.

"You didn't fall into that toxic waste, you were pushed in."


I stared at him my face hard as a stone. I was trembling with anger. They had ripped us away from our familys, from our lives so we could do thier dirty work, I was disgusted. How could they do this. I paced back and forthacross the floor, searching my head for an answer, but I couldn't fine one. I ducked out of the entrance of the tent and took off into the air, I needed to get away, I floated, flipped, turned and swam through the air but nothing came to me.

Finally I flew back to the ground and burst through the entrance of the tent. My Team was in the corner have a quiet but heated discussion and Jahi was quickly typing away on the computer.

"Where" I asked, not as a question but as an order "Where is it comng from." My voice was cold as ice and full of hatred.

"You must go to Japan thats where I got the first reading and that's where I got the last reading. Japan is where you are needed." I nodded and pulled my team out of the tent. I walked right up to one of the jeeps, hotwired it in ways I'm not going to reveal and took off down the dirt road that lead right into the heart of the battle.

A few minutes down the road I heard a loud gunshot close by, closly followed by a terrifyed screem in the back seat.


Cliffy :D lol sorry to leave u guys hangin for so long I've had issues with my computer lately but hope you like ti :D

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