The Fall

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Hi there.This is the first story I have ever shared with the internet so please be nice :) Constructive critism is great though and I would appreiciate suggestions you have that would make my writing better. Enjoy :)


Chapter 1

I felt the cool breeze on my arms when I stepped out the door. I pulled my plain black hoody over my head. But I could still feel the bone chilling air through my skinny jeans. I ran to my car in my fur lined boots crunching on leaves all the way. I opened the door and started the car then hurried back inside my friend Sam's house. She and the others where waiting inside. I stepped over the threshold and immediately took my sweatshirt off. It felt so good in there with the fire blazing and my four best friends and brother gathered around it.

I climbed back on to the couch and put my head back down on my boyfriend Jacob's shoulder. He put his arm back around me and wrapped the blanket back around us. I joined the conversation.

"It's freezing out there" I said to Matt my brother he was in the corner next to the fire. Jamie and Tim were sitting next to Matt and the both nodded there heads. They like Jake and I were going out.

"It's November it's not exactly going to be warm Ash" my mother joked as she entered the room with a tray full of hot chocolate mugs. We all made a move for the tray but she replied by shaking her head motioned for us to stay seated and coming around and handing them out. We all muttered quiet thnak-yous as she passed them out.

After handing them out she tucked the tray under her and glanced heasitently towards the door. She opened her mouth as if to say something but quickly shut it. She then made her way around the room hugging all of us and kissing our foreheads. 

She leaned in really close to my ear and whispered "I love you Ashley with all my heart and soul. Don't you ever forget that." She stood then and adressed the whole room.

"I love you guys. Be careful." She said with tears showing in her eyes. With that she turned on her heel and left the room. I quirked my eyebrow at my brother and he just shrugged.

A few minutes later Jake and Tim's dad entered the room and said "you guys ready to go". There was a chorus of yes's and grumbles as we put our mugs down and pulled on our coats and boots. It was the coldest fall we'd had in a while so we weren't taking any chances.

We walked across the leaf covered ground to the already running van. We all piled in, Jake and I first then Tim and Jamie and finally Sam and Matt. We were going to Jake and Tim's Mom's work since we were aloud to go and our parents thought it be educational. I don't even know why we were aloud in there I mean she works at a toxic waste plant. But we were going to go whether we liked it or not. No use fighting it.

We all pulled out our iPod's for the ride there. Mr. Jones drove there in silence with no one to talk to. It was a surprisingly short ride to the factory so I was stunned when we pulled up in front of a beet up run down warehouse type building. I looked around and say no sign of life anywhere aside from the smoke rising from the building. 

"Is this it" Jamie asked in a voice that said she hoped it wasn't.

"Yep" Mr. Jones said in an all too happy voice "this is it, aren't you guys excited."

A series of sarcastic yes's and a few muttered no's filled the stony silence of the back seat. We all clamored out of the back of the Jones car. Mrs. Jones rosy round face suddenly appeared at the door and now I finally understood what Jacob had been telling me ever since we had planned this trip back in July. He looked nothing like either of his parents. He was tall and skinny with dirty blond hair. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of green and when the sun hit them just right it looked as though they were gold, but I think it's just me.

His brother however was the spitting image of what his parents would look like put together. He had his fathers mousey brown hair and his mothers round face and when you looked at him you could see his mothers eyes and his fathers nose starring right back at you. So naturally I began to drill him with question on his way to his mothers office. I asked him which family member he look like and he said 'None of them'.

"Were you adopted" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Nope I've checked" he said happily as we reached the office. I was about to say something when Mrs. Jones loud voice rang out among us,

"this is my office were we take orders for waste to be removed and-". But she never got a chance finish what she was saying because at that moment her phone rang and her husband ushered us out of the room down the hallway. Then we turned and followed him up a flight of stairs and out onto an indoor platform. We looked down and there beneath each of us was a giant vat of toxic waste bubbling and oozing down the side of the container. Tim and Jamie scooted closer together. Jake and I did the same. Sam and Matt just stood where they were pressed against the railing staring straight down into a giant vat of neon green sludge.

"Wow I whispered as I stared down at a different smaller vat full of what looked like electric blue sludge. I looked down past Sam and Matt to Jamie and Tim who had pressed themselves up to the rickety old railing just as Sam and Matt had done.

They began staring at a vat of purple sludge. Jake had started to pull me closer to the railing and he leaned up against it.

I didn't even hear the railing whine in protest of our weight leaning against it, neither did anyone else. In a moment of slight clarity I looked around to see if Mr. Jones was still there but he was gone. I was still holding Jakes hand when I had the sudden urge to move forward and lean all my weight on the rickety bar. So with out realizing it I walked forward and did so. That's when I snapped back to my senses but it was to late "Crack" the railing snapped and broke off. Being stupid I had put all my weight on the rickety old bar. Our hollow screams echoed in the empty factory.

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