chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I woke from a peaceful nights rest and stretched. I looked over at the clock on my desk it read 5:47. But it was still light outside. Then I remembered what had happened. I got up left my room and went to the overly large closet that we all shared. I flew up to my rack to pick out something to wear. I found a pair of gray skinny jeans and a plain whit t-shirt. I grabbed them and flew back down the hall through my room and into the bathroom.

Instead of there being 3 bathtubs there were now 3 walk in showers in all the same colors as they were last night. I walked into the sappier shower. Shelves lined the back wall of the shower and on them was any kind of hair products and soap you could ever think of. I took a shower and got dressed and sat down at the chair by my sink.

On the counter top there were three jewelry sized boxes. I opened the one closest to me which was made of maple wood. It was filled with different kinds of makeup. Type that had ever been made. My bottom jaw dropped and I just sat there staring at it until I heard a door behind me open and close. I placed the box back onto the counter and turned to see Mr. Hamlet leaning against the far wall.

"Pretty nice isn't it" he stated "it cost 2.5million for this operation. It had better be nice right?" he smiled. I nodded and smiled back. "Want some breakfast?" he asked. It wasn't until just then I noticed how hungry I was.

"Yeah I'm starved" I said as I jumped up from my seat. He walked over to the door that lead to my room and beckoned me through it. I followed obediently. We walked down the hall and out through the door that lead into the training room.

We walked back through the conference room and through the door that Mr. Hamlet had entered through the day before. It lead to another hallway and then another and another. I son lost track of how many hallways we had traveled down.

Finally he stopped in front of a stainless steel door. He gently pushed on it and it swung open to reveal a collection of tables ranging any wear from glass to oak and chairs some that were tall and some that were short. But it all seemed to just fit together as though they belonged in their specific places. It was a nice cozy room there was a fire roaring in the corner and the far wall was just windows that over looked the arctic ocean.

"Please sit anywhere" Mr. Hamlet said. I walked over to a tall glass table nearest to the windows and climbed onto the chair.

"Well the other will be waking up soon and I must show them the way here" he smiled and left the room. He was only gone for a few seconds when the door opened again and Janet walked in. She walked over and climbed on to the chair across from me.

"So how was your first night here?" she asked.

"I slept great actually I guess I was just really tiered" I said groggily I still wasn't fully awake.

"This will help" she said obviously noticing the sleep in my voice "Hannah" she called over her shoulder. Almost immediately a plump woman in dirty apron hustled through the door with three Styrofoam cups unstably balanced in her hands.

She set one down in front of me and one down in front of Janet. I thanked her and she just smiled a warm cozy smile. It was a motherly smile that made me yearn for my own mother. Then I remembered that she doesn't know I exist anymore. Before I could get too deep into the thought Hannah began to talk.

"You must be the leader, about time it's a woman the last four groups that have been through here have been had boy leaders." she said as she pulled up a chair and sat down.

"How do you no I'm the leader?" I asked quizzically.

She just laughed and said "I know you're the leader because I can see it in your heart."

"Hannah can see people but not the way I see you she can actually see people." she paused for a second and then went on "she knows you're the leader probably because you have leadership bravery and all that good stuff that comes in a leader in you." And that's when it suddenly dawned on me really hit me that I was responsible for other peoples lives. Like if anyone on my team died it would be my fault.

"No it wouldn't be" she said in a soothing tone "don't ever think like that."

"Yes it would be my fault because I'm the leader and I'm supposed to protect my group and if I don't do that fail" I said exasperated. I took a sip of my coffee immediately everything came into view as though I had never seen it before. I could hear the waves lap against the shore and I could see every particle of dust that floated past my face. I just sat there stunned for a few moments. Just then a voice sweet as honey spoke in my ear

'were almost there' it said and then was gone.

'ok' thought back but I wasn't too sure if he was listening. I immediately began to concentrate very hard on my coffee and just thought about that because if Jake was still there reading my mind I didn't want him to no what we were talking about. A few seconds later the door opened and the rest of my "team" walked in.

Tim sat with Jamie in the far corner by the fire. Jamie's eyes were red and puffy and she had dark circles under her eyes as though she had not slept in days. Matt sat at a table near the center of the room with Sam and they were soon deep in conversation.

"He wants to talk to her alone" Janet whispered to Hannah. They both turned to smile at me and then left the room. Jake came and took Janet's place across from me and looked at me.

"What is it?" I asked worried because he had this cold hard edge to his face.

He spoke so low I could barely hear him "Jamie woke up screaming when Matt, Tim, I came running she wouldn't tell us what it was about. She wanted to speak to Time alone and we respected that so Matt and I left the room and got ready and took showers and all that stuff. When Mr. Hamlet got there she was screaming at him and saying she wanted to go home because she didn't want to be here. And then of course you know Sam she had to but in and she erupted in flames and everything got out of control. Matt and I ended up tackling Sam and Tim had to restrain Jamie so she wouldn't rip Hamlet's face off." he sigh and I noticed that he too had dark circles under his eyes.

"How long did you sleep last night?" I demanded.

"'Bout three hours" he yawned widely then put his head down on the table. I shoved my coffee cup toward him and slapped him on the back of his head. His head snapped up from the table and he gave me one of his hard core glares.

"What the hell was that for" he shouted at me. All eyes were on us.

I spoke quietly trying to keep my cool "I just wanted to get your attention you need a pick me up so I'm giving you my coffee.

Jake's P.O.V.

Damn it I just yelled at my girl. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Sorry Sweetie" I mumbled and sat down. I grabbed the coffee cup and chugged it. I suddenly felt more alert. Before I had a chance to really think about that the door opened and in came a rather plump woman with three trays of food precariously balanced on her arms.

She set a try down between Matt and Sam one between Jamie and Tim and then she walked over to our table and set one down between me and Ashley. She turned towards Ashley and I could've swear she winked at her then she left through the door she had come in. I looked at the tray and just stared in bewilderment.

It was piled high with all the types of breakfast foods you could imagine. There was bowl full of bacon a bowl of sausage a bowl of eggs and a bowl of cutter. There was a plate piled high with toast another piled high with pancakes and yet another that had a mountain of waffles on it. I grabbed a plate and loaded on two of everything then dug in. It tasted like a million bucks. Wow that lady can cook I thought.

I looked up and saw Ashley digging in just as much as me I had never seen her eat that way. She must have been really hungry. I heard the door open and in stepped...


Ha ha ha I'm evil i left u guys a cliffy comment and i'll add another part

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