Chapter 14

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ok here's the next and final chappy of this book unlesss you guys think otherwise ;)



I wiped a tear from my eye and marched out of the tent with what was left of my team trailing behind me, thier feet dragged on the ground and their heads hung low. But I'll deal with that later, they need to stay strong and so do I. I lifted my chin and walked to car quickly but with the stealth of a cat.

I reached the car and slide into the drivers seat but Jake stops me before I can shut the doors.

"Jake stop" I whined irritated.

"You can't drive Ash, you havn't slept in two days, your bestfriend just died and you passed out on the floor." He said calmly. I was about to protest when I realized he was right, I'm guess he saw the defeat in my eyes and plucked me from the front seat.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his shoulder, he walked around the car and gently sat in the back seat ith me on his lap. I took this as my cue to sleep, I don't know who's driving and I don't know where where we're headed but I know that my team won't last very long after this.

Jamie's dead.

We were created in some phsycho government lab.

We have to save the world somehow.

Oh and don't forget we're superhumans with powers that are hard to control.

Did I miss anything? Nope I don't think so. I snuggled up next to him in the back seat and hung on to him tightly, in this messed up world he was all I had. He was my rock, my sword, my shield, he was my everything. And with just that thought I fell into a deep peacful sleep.


I was awoken by the sound of jet engines starting, I snapped my eyes open and looked around. I was back in the jet and we were headed to Japan, I sat up and saw that the table in the center had been fixed and now there was a small decorative vase on it.

What's that? I tried to ask Jake in my mind.

That's Jamie He thought back. His words were dripping in hearbreak and I could feel the weight on his chest. Don't ask me how but I could.

Oh. Where's Tim? I wanted to talk to him.

 He's in the bathroom.

I got up and walked to the end of the plane, I knocked softly on the door but there was no answer. Gently, I pressed my ear to the door and listened, I heard the muffled sound of crying and the quiet scribbling of a pen. Damn it!


OK I know that you may not get what's going on at this point in the story so let me explain. I heard crying which equals sadness because his girfriend died.... and I heard a pen scribbling a note. Extreme sadness and note scribbleing, do you see where I'm going with this? If you don't I'm implying that Tim was writing a suicide note because he as super sad Jamie died.

P.S. Honestly I don't know why i did this pause play thing, I'm gettin sick of myself.


I kicked down the door to the bathroom but as usual my bad luck had cursed me again, Tim was dangling from a noose just over the toilet his neck cracked at a bad angle his face pale. He hadn't struggled he just......died. His body was still swaying to and fro as though a gentle wind had caused him to do so. I reached out to touch his hand, it was still warm and that's when the tears came. Silent tears, I didn't yell or scream or even ask myself why he did such a thing, I just accepted it.

I turned to the sink to wipe my tears when I remembered the note, it was laying thier slightly esque on the side of the sink. Small droplets of water dappled the page, I gingerly lifted it from the sink and brought it too my face. It read-

Dear Ashley,

I know it's you who will find this first so here it is, I don't want a funeral or anything special like that. Dump me out the door of the plane if you want- just promise me PROMISE me you'll find out who did this and you'll kill them. Find the guy who made us freaks like this and Kill Him I know it's going to be hard to make that promise when I'm dead but this is my last dying wish Ash. I need you to stay strong for your brother and Sam and Jake too. Your all each others got now. No family no friends no life to back to if you screw this saving the world thing up.

Me you might ask why'd I choose this way out? There are several answers to that question but perhaps the most important is Jamie, she was my everything and then my everything died. So instead of having a hole in my heart, I had no heart. I'm sorry it has to be this way Ash, I know nothing compares to what your feeling rite now but think of Jake he needs you as much as you need him.

I'm coming to the end of this sad tale but be warned Ashley not everyone is who you think. Take heed to this warning and Ash never ever give up. You are the hope the future of the world. Never forget that you are the closet thing the human race has to a savior. You can do this Ash I know you can.



And with that sad letter a second child had died. There was no going back now, it was time to save the world.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2011 ⏰

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