Waking Up

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Hope you guys like this chapter :)


 Chapter 2

Shafts of bright white light seeped through the slits in my eyelids. They fluttered open and I began to squint around the bright white room looking for something that would tell me where I was. As my senses came into focus I recognize a faint beeping. At first I thought it was me then I looked to my left and saw a large machine pumping fluids into my body. My felt like it had gotton run over by a truck repeatedly and my body was numb.

I turned my head to the right and there in an uncomfortable looking bed next to me was Sam. The door in front of me opened and a an old man wearing white from head to toe walked in. He had a clipboard tucked under his arm and hot pink glasses on. And as if this didn't qualify as weird enough another person walked in this time a woman. She was the same way covered in white but this time with big round glasses that magnified her eyes to ten times there normal size.

They strode over quickly to Sam's bed obviously not realizing I was awake. I tried to clear my throught but it was very dry. So I lifted my left hand reached across my self and pushed the red nurses button. Almost immediately the room filled with many people. Different people swarmed Sam and me. They stuck things in our ears and pressed cold things to our chests. They even shined a bright light in my eyes which made me blink furiously. Then a tall roughly built man standing next to me called out "she's awake" and every eye in the room fell upon me. Except Sam's she was still out cold in her bed showing no sign's of life what so ever.

Then just as suddenly as the room had filled it emptied again leaving just me and Sam alone in this white room. I don't know how long I layed there awake except that the room was steadily growing darker when the door burst open and a tall thin man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes stepped into the room. He closed the door behind him it made almost no noise. He walk swiftly to my bedside and pulled a chair up from beside the machine.

"Hello Ashley" he said in a surprisingly normal voice in light of everything I had just seen " my name is Jon Hamlit you can call me Mr. Hamlit I am your instructor I am here to instruct you on how cope with your new life and to teach you how to use your powers for good." My brain clouded what was he talking about? Powers? Where am I? Who are you? These were only few things that came to mind. He must have seen the confused look on my face because he handed me a pen and a pad of paper.

"You can't talk but you will be able to soon I will explain everything on the way back to the base. We are going to leave as soon as your friends wake up" as he said this Sam stirred.

"None of your other friends have awoken you were the first to wake therefore you are the leader of the group." So many question were flying around my head but he just said " write down your questions and I will answer them soon as I can" and with that he left the room. Sam stirred again this time she mumbled some thing in her sleep.

I had no desire to write questions down and have them answered by a complete stranger. I lay awake in my bed for hours not knowing what to think about the troubles that lay ahead. I glanced at my clock it read 1:08am. Sam moved around a little and sat up. So I did to.

"Were am I?" she asked still groggy with sleep. I was about to answer when a loud beeping filled my ears. It beeped 6 or 7 times and then a deep male voice said

"They have awoken time to move out." the beep once again filled my ears 6 or 7 times. Then all was silent. As soon as this thought had come to me a loud buzz filled the room and every thing began to rise above me. I looked over at Sam who's bed was sinking into the floor as well. The scared and horrified look that was plastered across her face terrified me. Now I was eye level with floor I could see all the little grains of dirt on it then it vanished. I was looking at the inside of the floor there were wires and pipes all around. But as I sank even lower I began to see a ceiling up close as my head cleared out of the hole ceiling panels slowly crawled out from the sides to meet in the middle which made it look like we had never just sunk from throw it to this room.

My bed hit the floor with surprising ease. Behind me a wall of pure white stone stood in the middle of the floor. We hadn't landed so much in a room but rather a reception area. Full of what I guessed to be bustling doctors and nurses. All dressed in white and some kind of odd eyewear. A tall slim man in a black suit was coming towards me from my left. I looked to my right and saw that Sam's bed had landed so close to mine they were nearly touching. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me. I offered her a smile and it seemed to make her feel a bit less petrified or at least look it.

The man coming towards me had slowly made his way across the floor and arrived at my bed side. I looked into his face. It was expressionless and lifeless. Then in a cold voice with a thick Austrian accent asked me if I would try and stand up and walk. That's when I noticed I was dressed in a white rob that was thin but comfortable. I let go of Sam's hand threw the covers off myself and swung my legs over the side off the bed. I slid off slowly and gripped the bed tightly. I carefully walked around my bed over to Sam's side I smiled and walked back. I looked up at him and he said

"Good go over there and tell them you are class 'A' Blue16." He was pointing towards a room in the corner.

In that moment my charactaristic uncertainty in humanty came over me and I began to get really mad really quickly. "Excuse me sir before I follow anymore of your pointless instructions I would like to know what the hell is going on here. The last thing I remember is falling in my boyfriends mom's factory. Then I wake up here and I can't speak and can't see any of my other friends so I don't know what happened to them or my brother for that matter. Everyone keeps talking about this group but I have no idea what they're talking about let alone where the fuck I am." I pretty much yelled at him. My voice rose after each word and by the end of my rant I was huffing and puffing.

"You will do as I saw because your life depends on it. Your friends and brother are fine and you will see them soon. As for the reason your here you will find out later. You are currently on a military base in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Now go, time is always of the essence and remember Class 'A' Blue 16." He stated calmly and pointed yet again in the direction of the door I was supposed to go through. 

I crossed my arms and almost decided not to move but curiosity got the best of me. With the best death stare I could muster I puled myself up and strode quickly to the door.

After weaving my way through the sea of white clad people I reached the door slid in without so much as a backwards glance to Sam.

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