Chapter 8

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“What’s going on with you and Jessica?” Blake asked getting right to the point as Matt opened the door. 

“Hello to you too. Hi Ford,” Matt smiled at the little boy. “Carter and Isaiah are playing upstairs if you want to take him up there,” He said said closing the door. 

He rolled eyes and let out a breath watching as Blake took the stairs two at a time to leave Ford with the twins. No sooner had he sat down on the couch Blake was bounding down the stairs with an expectant look on his face. 

“What?” Matt asked looking over at him. 

“I asked you a question,” Blake grumbled. 

“We’re friends Blake. Something the two of you should try being before you even think there can be anything else,” Matt said giving him a pointed look. 

“How do you know what’s going on with Jessica and I?” Blake asked crossing his arms over his chest. 

“Well I knew about you two being together before. CP kind of has a big mouth. JJ will kill you by the way,” Matt smirked at him. 

“I don’t care about the past, I’m talking about now,” Blake spat. 

“I texted her last night just asking if she was okay. That’s it. She was there for me when Gloria and I were splitting up I was trying to return the favor,” Matt explained. “Not that I owe you an explanation,”

“She doesn’t date guys like you, just so you know,” Blake ground out looking over at his teammate.

“Oh I know. She prefers cheating assholes like you,” Matt said looking back at him. 

He hadn’t really meant to go there but he was sick and tired of what Blake was implying and honestly at the end of the day Blake had hurt her and that really pissed him off that he was going to do it again.

“Really,” Blake nodded looking away. “Does she know about Vegas? Before you and Gloria decided to separate?”

“What does it matter? We’re not together. She’s not the other woman in my life,” 

“I should go,” Blake said standing up and walking up the stairs to get Ford. 

Matt rolled his eyes. For a few minutes he felt like he was back in high school having a fight over a girl that had picked him and left his friend disgruntled. He had a feeling that would just be the first of many run ins he would have with his teammate about his friendship with Jessica. 

Jessica sat back in her chair sighing. She was finishing up her design ideas and they just weren’t coming together like she wanted to. Something seemed off and it wasn’t just her mood. She leaned forward on her desk looking at her monitor again when someone knocked on her door. 

“Come in,” Jessica called not looking away from her screen. 

“I figured you could use this,” Matt said setting a white mocha frappuccino with no whipped cream in front of her. 

“You’re amazing,” Jessica smiled up at him grabbing the drink and taking a generous drink from the straw. 

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