Chapter 13

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Blake's head shot up as he heard her voice.  Surely it was just wishful thinking at this point. As he looked to his right the petite blonde who's voice he had heard stood up looking up at him. 

"Want a ride to your car?" Jessica asked looking over at him. He looked like hell and she could tell right off the bat he was in pain. 

"Yeah that would be nice," Blake said nodding. "Thank you for coming,"

"Sure," Jessica sighed casting a sideways glance at him as the two walked to her car. 

"What made you change your mind?" Blake asked as he climbed into the passenger seat. 

"I don't know," Jessica said sliding into the driver's seat and starting the engine. 

Blake knew she was lying. He was always able to read her like a book, but for now he would leave it alone. Jessica pulled up next to Blake's car in the middle of the packed lot where the other player's cars were. 

Blake sat there looking out the windshield. His head was spinning with everything that had gone on in the last week. He and Jessica were once again on horrible terms. Almost as horrible as they were when she found out about Brynn. He also was starting to understand how the next few weeks were going to go being away from the team. He was really starting to feel alone. 

"When's the surgery?" Jessica asked finally breaking the silence and pulling Blake out of his thoughts.

"Tomorrow morning," Blake said quietly as he looked over at her. 

"Oh. Your parents coming down?"

"No. I told them not to," Blake sighed. He was slowly starting to regret that decision. If anything it would've been nice to at least have his mom to cook for him at least for a couple days.  

"Taylor going to be in town?" Jessica asked. She wasn't totally heartless toward him and she was starting to worry no one was going to be there for him. 

"No he has a game," Blake answered playing with his bracelet. 

Jessica sighed looking out in front of her. She knew she would regret this as soon as it came out of her mouth but she cared about him. Lord only knew why after everything he continued to do to her. 

"What time do you have to be at the hospital?" Jessica asked looking over at him. 

"Six," Blake said looking up at her. 

"I'll pick you up at five thirty," Jessica said holding his gaze. 

"You don't have to. One of the team doctors is going to be in there too he can drive me," Blake said looking back down at his hands. 

"Would you stop it already? Stop doing this. You can't want me around one minute and then do everything you can to push me away the next. What is wrong with you?" Jessica said finally letting all the emotion she was holding in out. 

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