Chapter 14

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Jessica sighed as she locked her phone and slid it into her bag. She had just texted Linda to check in on the store and see how things were going there. Once she was reassured for the fifth time everything was fine she told the older woman she would talk to her later and to let her know if she needed anything. 

She sat back in the uncomfortable waiting room chair and leaned her head back against the wall. Blake had been in surgery now for almost an hour and any minute someone should be coming out to let her know how he was doing. She was definitely worried about him. More than she should be. 

Her alarm went off all too early and Jessica had never considered herself to be a morning person, but Blake's whining didn't help. She had woken him up shortly after turning off her alarm and instead of getting up he pulled the covers over his head and said something about it being too early. 

Jessica got ready herself before trying again. This time Blake threw the covers off and stalked off into the bathroom. She chalked it up to him being nervous about the surgery and knowing he wasn't a morning person either just left him alone. 

By the time they had finally gotten to the hospital Blake had finally started talking. He told her she didn't have to wait for him if she didn't want to. Jessica rolled her eyes and assured him she would be there until he woke up, and if he could go home today she would take him home. 

She grabbed her ringing phone out of her bag her eyes widened when she saw it was her brother calling. What the hell could he possibly want? They did have a game later that day. 

"Hello?" Jessica asked answering her phone after seriously considering letting it go to voicemail. 

"Hey little sister what are you up to?" JJ asked.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" Jessica said slowly smiling at a little girl who ran in front of her.

"I can't find Chels and I was wondering if you were with her or if you knew where she was," JJ explained. 

"Oh I see, you only call your sister to find your wife?" Jessica joked. 

"Ha ha. We were all hoping to get an update on Blake. The team surgeon is with him but he isn't answering the phone when  Doc calls so I was curious if Chelsea knew anything yet," JJ sighed. 

"Why would she know anything?" Jessica asked confused. 

"Her friend from college is a nurse up there and she's supposed to call Chelsea and let her know how it went when B was out of surgery,"

Jessica blew out a breath she had been holding. She thought for a second Chelsea had ratted her out to JJ. Not that there was really anything to say at this point about the two of them. 

"Well I guess since you don't know where Chels is I will talk to you later," JJ said breaking her out of her thoughts. 

It was good timing too. Jessica looked up as the team surgeon was making his way out toward her. 

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