Chapter 1: Leaving Kamino

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Dear Rex,
Something has happened that you wouldn't understand. I can no longer stay on Kamino, our love have caused something wonderful, terrifying, beautiful, but I will not allow you to throw away your future for the mistake that we have made. By the time you find this I'll be far away from Kamino, please don't try to find me. You're on the right path, you were meant to be one of the most grand soldiers for the republic. I will always cherish our short amount of time we spent together, but it's time for both of us to move on. Make me proud captain, be brave and good luck.
Remember I will always love you.

Love, Juliet.

Rex read the letter over twice before collapsing on the bed he and his secret love had shared together.
"Did I do something wrong?
Am I not good enough for her?"
I'm just a clone, why would she waste her time with me?"

The thoughts went spiraling through his head too fast for him to realize he had started to cry.
Rex held the letter close to him as he curled up on the bed, letting his emotions out in his moment of weakness, realizing he lost the love of his life. There was nothing he could do about it other than move on like she requested of him.

He got up and folded the letter small enough to hide in his armor. He wiped the tears from his face and took a couple deep breaths to calm himself down, then simply shut off the lights before walking out of her empty quarters as if nothing happened.

Meanwhile, Juliet was on a ship she stole from Kamino floating through space crying her heart out.

"It needed to be done"
She reminded herself.

"I would have destroyed his career. He was destined for the life of a soldier, not a father."
Although she had watched Jango be a loving, caring father to Boba, that's not what Rex was meant for.

"Okay let's see, enough of floating in space. Where should I go?"

Juliet skimmed through nearby planets, luckily the republic didn't have forces this far out in the galaxy in the outer rim.

Jaku? No.

Bespin? No, too close"

Tattoine? Possibly. The planet is controlled by the hutts. No, what am I thinking? I can't work for gangsters!

Unless... Jango trained me hands on. Maybe I could do something with that,
She thought to herself.

Tattoine it is!

Juliet set her coordinates and took off for the desert planet, wondering if Rex had found her letter yet. He should have gotten out of target practice by now I'm sure he has. I hope he's stronger than I am. I'm just a runaway coward.


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