Chapter 20: cut and run p2

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Juliet and omega walked back to the home hand in hand, the boys were outside waiting for the pair, talking quietly amongst themselves about how the reunion went.

Hunter glanced up and saw the girls and a warm smile grew.
"Hey girls."
Hunter said as they approached him and his brothers.

"Hi Hunter." Omega responded happily.

Juliet let go of omega's hand and ran to her boyfriend into his arms.

"I can't believe this is real. She's really here." Juliet whispered in his ear before she pulled away. The couple looked at the small girl smiling up at them, happy to see them happy together.

"I'm glad you two found each other." Hunter responded before suggesting they go inside the house.

The group joined cut and suu around the kitchen table Juliet had been at all morning.

"I see a few new faces." Suu said breaking the ice.

"Echo and omega, cut and suu." Hunter said introducing everyone.

"Pleased to meet you" Suu responded.

"Ma'am." Echo nodded.

Cut looked around the group before asking,
"Where's crosshair?"

"I'm wondering the same thing." Juliet said looking to her boyfriend.

"It's complicated."

"Sounds familiar. Rex told us about the clone troopers turning against the Jedi." Cutt told them.

"You talked to Rex? When?"
"Rex was here?"
Echo and Juliet asked at the same time.

"Uh, he passed through yesterday."

Hunter and Juliet locked eyes.

"Where'd he go?" Echo asked.

"Didn't ask."
Cut said while shrugging his shoulders.
"He was going on about some behavioral implant."

"He must mean the inhibitor chip." Omega spoke up.

"The what?"

"Inhibitor chips. The kaminoans implant them in the clones to modify their behavior."

"Tech, you said the regs were programmed. You never said anything about a chip." Hunter said to his brother. Juliet was looking between all of them extremely confused. How did omega have any knowledge about this? Juliet wasn't told about and chips when she worked with nala se. She needed to speak with Hunter about everything.

"How else did you think it worked?" Tech said in a matter of fact tone.
Their attention was turned to the children running inside the house.

"Mom, dad! There's a ship outside." Cut and suu's son said as they ran to their parents. Omega watched them wide eyed, happy to see other kids her age.

"Shaeeah, Jek! Remember me?" Wrecker yells out excitedly.

"Uncle wrecker!" The kids yell back at the large clone.

"Who are you?" Jek looks at omega and asks.

"Omega." She responds slowly.

"We never see kids around here. Come with us!" Shaeeah grabs omega by the hand leading her outside to play.

Omega turns around and looks at her mother and Hunter, silently asking for permission. The couple looks at each other and looks back at her with encouraging smiles.

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