Chapter 5: Bonding time

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When the gang arrived at Juliet's house they secured the prisoner in a spot in the back where he could not get out so they could enjoy another night together in peace.
The boys thought her house was amazing, although she saw it as just a cozy little distant house that was nothing special. Her home had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a fairly large sized  living room, a little hallway that connected to the kitchen and dining room area. There weren't much up on the walls, she didn't  have any family she was in contact with to hang any pictures up of. The only family pictures was the locket around her neck and a couple  pictures of her and her baby in her drawer under some books.

"Take a look around boys, make yourself at home! Do you guys like to drink? How about I make us some pre dinner cocktails?" Juliet said loudly to the men wandering around her home.

"We probably shouldn't considering we have to fly back to Coruscant tonight" tech responded.

"Why don't you guys stay here tonight? Relax and take a break of being soldiers for once, you guys deserve it. I have plenty of room!"

"A night off would be nice" Crosshair smoothly said while making his way into the kitchen and plopping down on a kitchen chair.

"Alright, one night won't hurt" Hunter said, not really paying attention as he was walking into the backyard area with tech and wrecker.

Juliet smiled at Crosshair, becoming fond of his company. Only the two of them in the kitchen while the rest of the boys started playing with a ball they found.

"What kind of drinks do you guys like?" Juliet asked.

"We all like whisky if you have any of that" Crosshair responded.

"Of course I do. I think I'm going to make a pasta dish. I have enough for everyone so unless you boys would like something else that's what you're getting."

"I don't even know what that is but I'm sure it'll be delicious" Hunter said, suddenly waking in. She handed him his glass of whisky. Smiling at her walking back outside.

Juliet looked out her kitchen window and watched the boys mess around with the ball. She kept her gaze on hunter and her smiled got bigger unintentionally. Crosshair stood beside her and followed her line of vision.

"You know he has the hots for you right?" Crosshair said before taking another sip of his drink.

"No he doesn't, shutup."

"He does. Have you not noticed the way he's been staring at you the last 24 hours? He's too much of a gentlemen to ever make a move on a pretty girl, you'll have to make a move on him first."

"What like I should kiss him? Why would I kiss him if you guys are leaving soon. It's not like I can date a solider it's not allowed."

"We always break the rules. You should give him more than a kiss." Crosshair boldly said, trying to find some entertainment now.

"You mean do sex?" Juliet asked with a blush.

Crosshair chuckled and said,
"Yeah do sex, although I've never heard of anyone referring to it like that. Especially a woman. Women tend to be a bit prude with that stuff."

"What's there to be ashamed of? People do it every day."

"Have you done sex before?" Crosshair asked, feeling stupid saying it like that.

"Yeah, not recently though. Maybe I should as a goodbye gesture later since it's been a while. Have you done sex cross?"

"Once" crosshair said before taking a long sip of his drink.

"Was she your girlfriend or just a one night thing?"  Juliet asked curiously.

"We we're at a clone club on Coruscant one night and this girl wouldn't leave me alone so I gave into it. It was stupid, shouldn't have happened"

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