Chapter 4: mission complete

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Juliet sat on her own log around the fire that the boys had made for the night. She stared into the fire silent while wrecker was arguing with tech about some theory across from her. She didn't notice but the Sargent was observing her as he was sitting on a log to the right of her. Crosshair was on her left cleaning his riffle silent as well. He earlier claimed that she got scratches on his riffle and they got into it and hadn't spoken since.

Juliet couldn't handle their chaotic energy so she excused herself and walked away a good amount of distance from the boys so they weren't as loud. Shortly after hunter followed behind her. He found her interesting to say the least. What was a beautiful girl doing working on kamino as a kid and now wrapped up in bounty hunting? He thought it was impressive how her and Crosshair were keeping up a conversation most of the time on their journey to their campsite, until Crosshair went to show her his riffle and he found scratches on them and went off on the poor girl saying it was all her fault. She had been pretty silent since then.

Hunter found her sitting on a large rock off in the distance looking up at the moon.

"Ahem" hunter mumbled, letting her know he was there.

"Hi Sargent. Everything okay?"

"Yeah I just wanted to check on you. They can be a lot I know. Mind if I?" Hunter gestured to sit with her.

"Yes of course" Juliet said while scooting over.

"You don't have to call me Sargent you know. Just call me hunter."

"Sorry, you introduced yourself as Sargent. I just assumed that's what you wanted."

"No worries" he said. They stayed quiet for a moment before he spoke up again and asked.

"So how did a teenager end up being a medical assistant on kamino?"

"Well, I remember word got out on my home planet that kamino was about to do a huge new cloning project. My mother contacted the kaminoans inquiring about if they were wanting  any young students they could put to use and Lama Su said he would take me. When I was sent to kamino i thought there would be other kids that were sent to help on the project, but it was just me. The only human on kamino, other than Jango then all the clones. I think my parents just didn't want to take care of me anymore. I was a handful as a kid, always getting into trouble. I knew it drove my mother crazy but I just had a curious mind. My father wasn't around much, always gone on work trips while my mom stayed home with me. I was an only child so I never had anyone to play with, or bug, except my mom. I think she just gave up on me and found an excuse to send me away."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I always envied kids with parents and homes, I always thought anything other than way we were raised was picture perfect. I didn't realize parents could be so cruel." Hunter said sympathetically.

"At least you grew up with brothers, always having company around. I always wished I had that."

"Well we didn't have it easy. The other kids were mean to us growing up because we were different than them. Most of them are just as rude even as adults. When there's a standard of how we're all supposed to look and act and, then take a rook at us, kids don't hold back."

Juliet put a hand on hunters arm and smiled sadly at him as he looked at her. They held tender eye contact for a while before he cleared his throat causing her to pull away embarrassed.

Hunter didn't have much experience with women other than the few Jedi he encountered on kamino. When they went out to 79s occasionally girls  fled to them but hunter got too nervous to ever do anything seriously with them.

Hunter stood up and told her,
"You should eat before wrecker chows down on the rest of the food."

"Thank you, but I'm not really into ration bars. Maybe when we're done with this mission you guys can come to my place and I can make you a home cooked meal. I bet you've never had one of those before huh?"

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