Chaoter 13: goodbye, again

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The gang landed back on anaxes a couple hours later. Juliet was asleep the entire time in hunter's cot. She woke up to her lovers hand stroking her face. She opened her eyes to see him sitting in the edge of the small bed smiling at her.

"Hey sleepyhead. You alright?" Hunter asked her.

Juliet sat up with a sigh and held his hand.
"Overwhelmed" she responded.

"Yeah I can imagine. The general and captain left, they're speaking with the other Jedi to plan what our next move will be."

Juliet shook her head before asking,
"What about echo?"

"He's getting looked at by a medic."

"I feel so bad for him. He had so much taken away from him. He doesn't know how to go back to normal." Juliet told him.

"I know, I can sense confusion in him. He's different now, like us. He always has a place with us if he feels it's right. You'll just have another clone running around your house driving you nuts if he decides that." Hunter said before softly kissing her.

"Lucky me." Juliet joked.

"We'll talk about you and Rex later. We still have a mission to compete." Hunter said while standing up.

"What about me and Rex?"

"The sticking up for him and not us, the kiss on your hand, the looks you guys have been giving each other." Hunter suddenly said with a major mood swing, now annoyed.

Juliet stood up also and stood right in front of him and said,
"Hunter, you said you understood and wanted me to come to speak with him."

"Yeah speak with him, not act like you're not currently in a relationship."

"You're unbelievable. You're the one that dragged me on this mission. It's not like I kissed him and asked him to take me back."

"No but you're leading him on, letting him speak to you and look at you the way you are." Hunter said now angry.

"For your information, I told him earlier that I have a life with you and the boys and I'm not leaving you behind. So thank you for your lack of faith in me." Juliet said while bumping his shoulder hard heading towards the door.

"Juliet I'm sorry, I didn't know i-"

"Just leave me alone" Juliet said leaving the room. She glanced at the rest of the boys on her way out of the ship. She needed space from them, specifically Hunter.
She walked down the ship ramp and sat at the bottom. Watching all the clones walk by, but subtlety looking at her, confused on what a girl is doing there.

After a while of sitting there she saw Anakin, Rex, and echo walking back to the bad batch's ship. She smiled and the group and stood up.

"What's the plan general?" Juliet asked Anakin once they were close enough.

"Well we have one last task to complete with your guys' help. Think the boys will agree?"

"Absolutely. I'll get them."  Anakin nodded to her before she went inside.

"Boys, general skywalker needs our assistance for one more mission." Juliet yelled for everyone inside to hear.

They all made their way down the ship ramp, Hunter had his helmet in his hands, looking at Juliet and opened his mouth to say something. She turned her back and walked down the ramp making her way next to echo. He was now wearing armor and she smiled at him.
"Look at you all suited up. Feel good?" She asked him.

"Strange, but good." Juliet smiled at him again and walked over to Rex and tech who were speaking with each other.

"To be blunt, echo's mind belonged to to the separatists until we unplugged him. Don't really know where his loyalties lie."
tech said, Juliet smacked his arm with an annoyed look.

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