Chapter 14: new beginnings

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Once Juliet calmed down they returned to the cockpit where the rest of the group was. Everyone looked back at Juliet and Hunter, crosshair softly punched her shoulder and said,
"Fun mission huh? Lots of excitement."
He was trying to distract her and everyone else from her obvious crying she had just done.

"Stressful to say the least. I'm ready to go home. Right?" Juliet said plopping down next to tech piloting the ship.

"I assumed so, I already put in the coordinates for tattoine." Tech responded.

"Home is tattoine?" Echo questioned.

"Well her home, ours too I'd say. When we aren't on missions we spend our free time with Juliet at her home on tattoine. She cooks for us, her food is to die for." Tech told echo.

"You don't go back to coruscant? Kamino?" Echo was extremely confused.

"We don't have a general to report to to stay on any base. Commander Cody calls us in when needed, in the mean time we luckily get a bit of freedom. You do now too." Hunter told him. While placing a comforting hand on echo's shoulder.

"Echo probably needs new bad batch armor though. You guys may need to make a pitstop." Juliet said out loud.

"What's wrong with this armor?" Echo asked.

"If you're gonna be a part of our squad, you gotta look the part!" Wrecker says from the back while lifting gonky.

"Juliet's right. How about we drop you off at home then we'll come back as soon as we're finished with his armor on kamino?" Hunter suggested.

"Fine with me." Juliet smiled up at her boyfriend


The bad batch dropped Juliet off at her home then took off to kamino. The boys were all sitting in the common area playing sabboc, drinking, having lots of laughs. Echo hadn't felt that relaxed in a long time. He suddenly spoke up,
"So you and Juliet are like a thing?"

All the boys looked up at Hunter. No one had ever straight up asked the question, just assumed they were together.

Hunter looked up to see everyone already looking back at him,
"Yeah, she's my girl."

"They've been together for around 2 years now." Tech said.

"Wow 2 years, that's a long time. I didn't know of any clone who was really in a relationship before. Do you guys ever talk about the future after the war? Marriage? Kids?" Echo asked.

All the boys looked up at Hunter as he choked on his drink at the sudden question.

"What? I haven't had a real conversation with someone in years. I have an inquiring mind." Echo defended himself.

"No we've never talked about marriage or kids. We're happy with how things are now. Don't want to put any pressure on the relationship." Hunter said now wondering about their future together for the first time. She never brought it up, she seemed content where they were. Right?

"That's nice she doesn't push that stuff. I've heard women can be pushy about that stuff. She seems like a cool girl."

"Heard? Have you ever been with a women before?" Crosshair asked echo.

"Nothing serious, casual things at 79s. Haven't found the right girl yet. I hope the war calms down some day and the opportunity comes. You're lucky you have that now Hunter." Echo says.

Hunter was now deep in thought about his relationship with Juliet. The last 2 years seemed to be normal. They might have hooked up a bit fast but they got to know each other over time, he thinks he might actually love her. They had never said the "L" word to each other. Did she want more than what he could provide? Does she want their casual thing they have going on? She's been around clones most of her life, maybe she wants to be around a new scene.

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