Chapter 21: replacements

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Life had been boring the last week floating through space. Floating through hyperspace was the safest way to not get caught since the bad batch and omega were all wanted by the kaminoans.
Juliet had suggested multiple times to go back to her home on tattoine but Hunter disagreed. Too many locals knew they hung around there and didn't want to risk anything.

"Well that doesn't look comfortable. For either of you." Hunter said approaching omega leaning against gonky playing on a data pad.

"We're fine." Omega smiled up at Hunter.

"Here, chow time." Hunter handed omega a ration bar.

"Oh finally!" Wrecker jumped down to the pair and ate his bar in two bites.
"Hit me again."

"That's all for now. Rations are low"

Wrecker groans.

"You can have mine." Omega says handing her bar out to wrecker.
Juliet happened to round the corner overhearing the conversation. Wrecker took a few steps to omega to take the bar from her.

"Hey, omega doesn't even have a place to sleep. You wanna take her food too?" Juliet said in a warning tone to the big guy, pushing him back gently.

"Oh um.. no thanks you keep it." Wrecker said now feeling guilty.

"Okay" omega simply said before sitting back down.

"I'm sorry wrecker I know it's hard right now. We could go back to my home and hide out there. I can support us food and money wise." Juliet said giving Hunter a stern look.

"No it's too dangerous, I'm not having this conversation again. Echo, lights cut out again, thought you fixed it?" Hunter now called out to echo as the ship got significantly darker.

"Yeah, add it to the list." Echo sassed back before sitting next to tech in the pilot seats.

Hunter rolled his eyes and walked away. Juliet sat down next to omega before asking,
"Having fun?"

"I guess. I thought we'd be on more adventures."

"We usually are, you caught us at the wrong time." Juliet said leaning against gonky.

"What kind of adventures?" Omega asked now intrigued.

Juliet started to tell the story of how she met the bad batch when the ship aggressively started shaking, feeling like it was falling out of hyperdrive.

"Mom!" Omega said scared, leaning into her mother.

"Get ready for your first crash landing!" Wrecker said helping the girls stand up, leading them to the emergency seats.

"Crash?" Omega asked scared.

"We'll be fine omega, just let me get you strapped in." Juliet said trying to calm the girl down. Juliet was slightly scared herself.
Juliet strapped omega in before strapping herself in next to her, holding her hand tight.

"Hold on" Hunter yelled back. The poor girl was visibly terrified watching all the gear slide to the front of the ship.

"We're gonna die we're gonna die we're gonna-"

"Wrecker!" Juliet warned him as he was stressing omega out even more.

"We're gonna be fine! We're gonna be fine." He corrected himself.

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