Chapter 6: Life changes

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The next morning the bad batch left with the prisoner to return to Coruscant. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to her new friends, Juliet loved their company, but also didn't want to get caught by the republic.

They had assured Juliet that they would be back soon again whenever they weren't on a mission. They kept their word as they showed up at her house 3 weeks later, she wasn't home but they made themselves comfortable waiting for her return. Juliet was on a bounty and returned home the next morning with a hefty amount of credits, she was jingling them around in a bag not bothering to look up until she knew her house was in her view. Her face dropped seeing a ship next to her home, running to get a closer look at the ship, all the bad thoughts started running through her head.

"That's a kaminoan ship, it's lama Su here to collect me.
Maybe the republic found out about I was working with clones and are here to arrest me.
What if Hunter opened his big mouth and the Coruscant guard heard and is-"

All her worries, and legs came to a hault when she heard wreckers loud laugh coming from her backyard. How could she forget what those ship looked like? She picked up the pace again, now excited to see her guests. When she walked inside she saw tech sitting on her living room floor tinkering with an old gadget she had tried to build one day she was bored.

"Tech!" Juliet exclaimed happily while running in the room to give him a hug, which ended up into tackling him completely to the ground.

"Oh hello Juliet, we were wondering where you were. What is this anyways?" Tech said pointing to her little gadget.

"I was bored one day and tried to make a mini droid to help clean the house. I only got halfway through before I gave up as you can see"

"The basic starters are perfect, you should have continued this has potential to work. Do you mind if I continue your work?" Tech asked.

"It's all yours buddy, where are the others?"

"In the back" tech responded without looking up.

Juliet made her way outside to see the rest of the crew playing with the stupid ball she had.

"Why are you guys so obsessed with that dumb ball?" Juliet said getting their attention.

"Hey Juliet's back!" Wrecker said loudly as he always does.

Hunter and Crosshair looked her way with smiles on their face and started walking towards her. Hunter approached her first and gave her a warm hug making her slightly blush.

"We missed you" hunter told her once he pulled away.

"Some more than others" Crosshair said while lightly punching her on her arm.

"It's good to see you guys too. You been busy?"

"Let's go inside and we'll tell you all about our last mission. Hopefully with some of your amazing cooking?" hunter said while guiding her in with a hand on her lower back.

Juliet found it interesting how warm and kind hunter was being towards her since the last time they were together. He was much more short and shy the first time they met and he now was acting as if they were an item. It wouldn't upset her if they decided to become that at all actually.

Juliet made dinner and let them tell her about what they've been up to since last seeing her 3 weeks ago. They sounded like they made the best of their missions, taking them seriously but always having fun. Juliet felt truly blessed to befriend this group of clones.

This was their routine for the next several months, go on their assigned missions, spend their down time on tattoine visiting Juliet, and do it all over again.

Hunter and Juliet had officially became an item a couple visits after their first time together. Hunter became better and better in bed every time luckily, Juliet no longer had to control the entire situation.

One night when eating dinner they were telling Juliet about their last mission that they almost failed.

"Wow you guys are slacking, don't let another squad steal your 100% success rate" Juliet joked with them.

"I'd like to see them try! No one blows stuff up like I do!" Wrecker yelled jokingly back at his friend.

"Calm down wrecker. What we need is another set of eyes, if we had more coverage we'd have been just fine." Hunter said

"What if I help? We got that prisoner easily with my help nearly a year ago." Juliet suggested.

"No. Absolutely not that was different. The republic wasn't aware of your assistance. They'd never let an outsider help." Hunter responded.

"They don't need to know. It's not like we follow rules anyways. Juliet has expertise training skills and is an active bounty hunter, it's not like we're letting some helpless girl tag along." tech said.

Juliet was smiling and nodding looking at hunter before saying,
"Please hunter it'll be fun"

"It won't be fun for me if something happens to you."

"I suppose we could use the extra help" Crosshair said while still looking down at his food. Hunter narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"You don't need to protect me I'm not helpless. I've been doing this longer than you if you want to get technical"

"Don't make it weird" Crosshair said.

"Fine, We'll stay here until we hear from commander Cody for our next mission. When word comes in you'll leave with us and we'll drop you back off here before reporting back to him. Leave you out of the reports as well." Hunter gave in.

Just a couple days later commander Cody contacted hunter about doing a small side mission on Bespin to investigate suspicious cargo trades.

Just as hunter was afraid of, the mission went perfect with Juliet's assistance. He didn't doubt her skills, he was just afraid she'd get hurt on his watch. They dropped her off on tattoine before reporting back to Cody on Coruscant with their information.

For many more months that became their new routine. Stay on tattoine, leave with Juliet, complete a mission with her, drop her off on her home planet, report back to Cody, wait with Juliet on tattoine for updates.

It had been nearly a year and a half since she first ran into the bad batch, feeling as if it had been years and years ago.

Juliet and Hunter were as strong as ever in their relationship. They felt complete with each other, not being able to imagine their lives without the other in them. They acted as the mom and dad of the batch.
Juliet and Crosshair were best friends. Something about her made him not want to be so cold and actually joke with someone, he had strong feelings for her but not in the way hunter did, he felt strongly as a sister towards  her.
Juliet became closer to tech over time, working on her droid together when they had free time and also trying to repair poor gonky that never seemed to work. They ironically called him defective just as they were.
Juliet and wrecker weren't the closest, but we're most definitely good friends. She had a hard time with his constant yelling, but she knew he had a good heart and meant well.

Juliet never planned on being around clones ever again, but she was more than content with her life. Falling in love with the Sargent, shooting practice with Crosshair, working on droids with tech, attempting to teach wrecker how to cook with his short attention span. She was genuinely happy and didn't want anything to change.


All right y'all, things pick up next chapter!!

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