Chapter 12: Rescue

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Hunter and Rex were the first to exit the next lift as Anakin said,
"Where exactly is echo's signal coming from?"

"Strange, I just lost the signal."

"What? How can that be? There's no atmospheric disturbances up here" Rex asked.

"Well I have a new theory. I'm surprised I did not consider it earlier. The signal is only traceable during data transmissions, so until echo dispenses more intel I cannot pick up the signal"

General skywalker told everyone to split up in the mean time and look for echo until his signal could be picked up again. Everyone separated silently and went into any entrance they could find.

Juliet was about to enter the door next to tech's before he spoke up,
"Ah, it looks like his signal is coming from up ahead."
Hunter lead the group, minus Anakin and crosshair to two large doors.

"In there"

They were about to start working on opening the door but a figure appeared on the com screen next to them. Rex argues with the person until droids roll up behind them.

"Execute them!" Was what they heard before the droids started firing at them. The group took out the droids easily, until more and more droids followed. Rex and tech entered the room as the rest fought off the droids.

Juliet was firing her blaster left and right, never having a chance to catch her breath for a moment. She tripped on a droid on the ground and stumbled backwards. She was surrounded and froze in fear for a second, looking for her blasters she dropped before Hunter slammed the 5 droids surrounding her out of the way. She released the breath she was holding as he held out his hand to help her up. She gladly took it and was swept up quickly. They nodded at each other before continuing the fight side by side.

General skywalker ran in the room and Juliet, Hunter, crosshair and wrecker shortly followed after. As the boys were sealing the door Juliet ran over to Rex kneeling down next to his former arc trooper. Juliet gasped as soon as she got a good look at the poor man. He was starved, missing limbs, clearly disoriented not understanding what happened to him.

Echo looked up at her hearing a gasp.

"Who are you?" Echo asked. Juliet kneeled in front of him and held one of his hands with both of hers.
"I'm a friend of Rex's, we're going to get you out of here echo I promise."

Echo nodded his head to her with tears in his eyes, clearly overwhelmed. She squeezed his hand before moving over to help tech disconnect echo from the system.
With her assistance they were able to disconnect him from the system.
"I've got it, you can disconnect him."

Echo turned around with fear in his eyes as Rex started to unplug the cords out of his friends body. He was in pain and reached out for Juliet's hand again. He didn't know the woman, but could tell she had a kind heart. He collapsed and brought her down next to him.


"What is it?"

"I got a big headache" echo said with a smile on his face. Juliet let out a chuckle and looked between the two brothers.

"Better to feel something than nothing." Rex responded smiling, seeing his brother in a slightly better state.

"This is a touching reunion but we need to get out of here now!" Anakin said sternly.

"There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems" echo said while pointing up.

The enemy was getting through the doors as echo opened the vents with his scomp arm. Wrecker starts throwing everyone up high to get into the vents. Hunter was not pleased with getting thrown around like a ragdoll, but there wasn't enough time to figure anything else out. Wrecker threw all the clones and Juliet up, Anakin lifted himself up using the force before lifting wrecker with him freaking out as expected.

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