Chapter 8 - Moved on?

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Nat's POV

I went to the club that Matt sent me, I went there as fast as I could. I also ignored every call that I got when I was on my way to the club. I went inside the club and looked around to spot a certain person.

As I spot the certain person that I'm meeting with, I made my way to him.

"Hey, you came," Matt said gesturing for her to sit next to him.

I just smiled at him and then sat next to him.

"So, what help do you need?" Matt asked me.

"How do you move on from someone?" I asked him.


Third Person POV

After Steve went to grab some coffee with Sharon, they went back to Wakanda. When they got there, they were met by an angry Wanda.

"So Steve, this is the new you now? Don't have the balls to go to her old girlfrind and then just go out on a date with this bitc-" Wanda was cut off by Steve.

"What?" Steve asked.

"What? Don't act dumb, Steve, Natasha isn't answering anyone right now, at least that is what we know, have you guys seen the news?" Wanda asked them bitterly.

"I don't get-" Steve was then cut off by Sharon showing him the news.

"What the hell?" Steve said.

"I'm not cheating on Nat! I would never do that to her!" Steve shouted looking at the news.

"Yeah well what were you and Sharon doing then?" Bucky asked, disappointed at his friend.

"We went to grab coffee togther," Sharon answered sweetly.

"SHUT UP! HE'S NOT ASKING YOU!" Wanda shouted at Sharon, then her eyes started to glow.

"Wanda, calm down," Vision said trying to calm Wanda down.

"Tony is coming here any minute now," T'challa said walking up to them.

"What? Why? Is there something wrong? I need to talk to Nat about this," Steve said.

"As if you care now," Wanda said scoffing at Steve.

"I do care Wanda!" Steve said rising his voice at Wanda.

"If you care then you wouldn't be here, you would be out there finding Natasha instead of just standing here, asking and acting dumb," Wanda said.

"It's too dangerous for me to go out there, you guys know that, Nat knows that," Steve said.

"Guys, calm down, Steve has a point, and Natasha should be here too if she still wants to be with Steve, well it looks like she doesn't so I think that Steve needs to move on," Sharon said.

Wanda had enough of her, she was about to attack her when a jet landed.

The door opens and then Tony walked out of the jet followed by Rhodey.

Tony went straight up to Steve and then punched him in the face.

"Yeah, he deserves that," Wanda said, "I'm out of here, if something bad happened to Nat, I'll always blame you, Steve, and you too Sharon," Wanda said walking in the palace with Vision.

"Really, Rogers? That's who you are now? You're just gonna hurt and leave Natasha? Just like what Banner did?" Tony asked Steve, scoffing at him.

"No, I don't even know what's happening anymore," Steve said.

"Well then I think that you should just broke up with Nat and leave her," Sharon suggested again touching Steve.

"I...even though I don't want to, maybe I should just broke up with her," Steve said.

"Wow, you're just really going to do that, huh?" Tony said rolling his eyes at Steve.

"Well what do you want me to do, Tony?" Steve said annoyed.

"You should've come after her, you don't how she is doing, Steve," and with that, Tony left them with Rhodey.

Steve sigh, "You messed up, Steve," Sam said and then he walks in the palace with T'challa.

Steve looks at Bucky, "Are you going to leave me too?" He asked Bucky.

"You're not the Steve that I knew," Bucky said going in the castle too.

"Don't worry, Steve, I'm still here for you," Sharon said smiling.

"Thank you, Sharon, for everything," Steve said smiling at Sharon.


Third Person POV

"That's a hard one, no person can ever moved on from someone that easily and if they did, it means that they loved someone else already, before they even broke up," Matt said giving Natasha a drink.

"Thank you, Matt," Natasha said smioing at him.

"So, want more drink?" Matt asked her.

"Yeah, I want to forget everything that has been happening right now," Natasha said drinking the drink.

After a few more drinks, they were pretty much drunk, Matt helped Natasha to get in her car and then Matt drove to his apartment.

And well the rest of the night got steamy...(If you guys want some smut or something like that, you guys can just tell me)

*the next day*

Natasha woke up, her head was aching, she then sat up and pulled the covers to her chest.

"Ugh, hangovers are the worse" Natasha said in her mind.

Matt walked in with a pain killer pill and a glass of water.

"Good morning, beautiful," Matt said giving Natasha a pain killer pill and a glass of water.

"Good morning," Natasha said smiling at Matt.

Matt sat on the bed next to her. Then Matt kissed Natasha which Natasha gladly kissed him back.

"So, are we a thing now?" Natasha asked him then she swallowed the pill.

"If that's how you want it to be, do you wanna go on a dinner with me?" Matt asked Natasha.

Natasha smirked, "It's fine with me and Mr. Mudrock, are you asking me on a date?" Natasha asked him smirking.

"Well, Ms. Romanoff, what's wrong with that?" Matt asked Natasha getting closer to her.

Natasha smiled, is she finally moving on?


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