Chapter 4 Go to Bree and Met Aragon and his twin brother

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Chapter 4

Go to Bree and Met Aragon and his twin brother

As it is the next morning as we we go to Bree

Gandalf: "Come along, Samwise Keep up" as he explains that their may be spies of the enemy As we understand it as he left us as we keep walking like an hour as we get to Cornfield as Sam stop

Sam: "This is it"

Frodo: "This is what?" As he look confused as Sam explains as we give him the courage to continue our journey as we keep going as it is the next as the day at the cornfield as Me, Shelby, Adam, Heat walked with Frodo as we heard Sam yelling

Sam: "Frodo!" As we found them as he walked with Lexia, Lexie, Courtney and Kristin as he explains what Gandalf told him as Frodo say that we still in the Shire until we got like ambushed by Merry and Pippin as we heard the angry voice as we run from it as we fall down land next to the road as we land on each other

Pippin: "Oh, that was close" as we get up

Merry: "I think I've broken something" as he pull out a broken carrot

Sam: "Trust a Brandybuck and a Took" as he and Merry sit up

Merry: "What? That was just a detour a shortcut

Sam: "Shortcut to what?"

Pippin: "Mushrooms" as they fight over it as Frodo looking at the road as he telling us we need to get off the road as we heard the voice as we rush out the road as hide under tree stump as we can hear something is coming as I can tell there was the Black rider as Merry throw a bag as it distract the Black rider as we running we try to make sure it dosen't come to get us as we follow to Merry as he know where to the Bree

Merry: "Bucklebury Ferry follow me" as we rush to the Ferry as we bump to the rider as we keep going to the ferry as we are in the ferry but Frodo wasn't as he keeps running that he jump as it is raining as we made it to Bree as the Gate keeper let us in as we going to the Prancing Pony as we got in there that Frodo ask the man if he see Gandalf as he answer us that he hadn't seen him as we sit down on the table as we waiting for Gandalf as it has been like a little while as Frodo saw two man that is Aragon and Alekdander and he asked the them as he answer it as they are known as Strider and Blade as he look like he can hear the voice of the ring in his head

Creep Voice: "Baggins.....Baggins" until we heard Pippin

Pippin: "Baggins? Sure I know a Baggins he's over there..... Frodo Baggins he's my second second on his mother his mother side" as Frodo run to Pippin to stop it as Pippin push him to the floor as the Ring is in the air as the ring fell in his finger and I felt it again

Shannon: "Ugh" As others worried about me as they help me as it's been like a seconds as Frodo took off the ring as I felt better as Aragon and Alekander took him another room as we got there Sam try to act brave

Sam: "Let him go or I'll have you two Longstanks!!!" Glare at them that kinda made me laugh as Aragon and Alekander put their sword way

Aragon: "You have a stroud heart, Little Hobbit" as Aleksander said the other sentence

Aleksander: "But that won't save you"

Aragon & Alekander: "And you will not wait for the Wizard Mr. Frodo they're coming" as until I saw Lexie's soulmate mark glow as I saw Alekander arm as he had a mark as it is glow to as I realized something as Alekander is Lexie's soulmate

Shannon: "Lexie you found your soulmate" smile at her as she smile back at me Alekander looking at her as he's smile about it as he walked to her and holding her hand and place his lips on her hand

Alekander: "What is your name my Lady?"

Lexie: she blush and answered "It's Lexie" smile at him

Alekander: "Beautiful name for a beautiful lady" smile back at her as he and Aragon take us to where the Black riders won't find us as it was like twenty-five minutes as we heard the shriek as it's the Black riders as they realized that we are not their as that woke up Merry, Pippin, and Sam as me and others are still awake as we watch the window with Frodo, Aragon and Alekander as Frodo asked them as he look nervously

Frodo: "What are they?" and they answer them

Aragon: "They were once Men"

Alekander: "Great Kings of Men"

Aragon: "Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them Nine rings of Power, blinded by their greed they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness, now they are the slaves to his will" as he said that that I looking at Kassie as she felt like she know the truth about Sauron as it's not true of it as Alekander continue for Aragon as he saw the Black riders on their horses as they're run

Alekander: "They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead at all time they feel the presence of the Ring.......drawn to the power of the One... They will never stop hunting you" as we fall asleep that I heard the voice like it's calming me down as I don't know who that is

Sauron POV

As I finally felt my soulmate here in the middle earth as I been waiting for her as I came like a shadow where I can see her as I smile as I looking her as I know that I will protect her as I could as I teleport back to The Witch-King to tell him that she's here as he and other nazgûl promised me that they won't harm her and her friends

Sauron: "She's here" as I told him

Witch-King: "She is?" As he want to help me to protect her from Morgoth "You know that Morgoth will try to kill her" as he's worried about her

Sauron: "I know Witch King" as I want to make sure that she's safe as I hope that Lady Galadriel will help her with her powers in her

Witch-King: "You figure out her name yet?" As he wants to know

Sauron: "I didn't because she was asleep Witch-King" as I explained to him and he nod

Witch-King: "What she look like?" As I told him what she look like as he look he already know her "I saw her when she and others run from me and others" as he hope he didn't hurt her

Sauron: "I don't see any marks on her Witch-King as she's alright" as I'm glad she's alright as I want to have her in my arms but I'm a shadow still because of Morgoth did this to me as I want to be free but I know I will see her in her dreams soon

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