Chapter 2 Find The Uruk-Hai Army

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Chapter 2

Find The Uruk-Hai Army

Third Person POV

As the band of Uruk-hai marches across the plain, with two hobbits bound to the backs of two Uruk-hai. Pippin tries to call to Merry, who is unconscious with a gash on his right brow

Pippin: "Merry. Merry!" As he didn't receives no response Suddenly, an Uruk-hai puts up his hand and signals a stop.

Uglúk: "What is it? What do you smell?"

Uruk: "Man-flesh"

Pippin: as he said quietly to himself "Aragorn!"

Uglúk: "They've picked up our trail! Let's move!" As the Uruk-hai quicken their pace. Pippin struggles to reach his Elven brooch with his teeth. He then tears it off his cloak and drops it onto the ground. A foot stomps onto the brooch but it remains unbroken and visible on the grass

Shannon POV

As Aragorn is lying with his eyes closed and ear pressed to the ground, listening for the sound of footsteps

Aragon: "Their pace has quickened" He looks up

Shannon: "They must have caught our scent"

Aragon: " Hurry!" As we runs off as Legolas,Develas, Lexia, Kirstin, Kassie, Adeline, Courtney and Morimer run after us

Legolas: "Come on, Gimli!" As they look back at Gimli
and then runs after Aragorn

Gimli: pauses in his steps and huffs "Three days' and nights' pursuit. No food.
No rest. And no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell" Runs after us

Lexia: "Gimli if I hear you complain again I swear I will shift my wolf form run after you to make you go faster"

As Gimli had a horrid on his face when he hear what Lexia said as we run across rocks and plains, with Aragorn and I are in the lead as others look back to make sure that Gimli is keeping up. Aragorn suddenly bends down to pick up an Elven brooch from the ground.

Aragon: "Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall" as I stop next to Aragon

Legolas: as he stops and turns to Aragorn "They may yet be alive

Aragon: "Less than a day ahead of us. Come!" As we run off again as we hear Gimli stumbles from behind some rocks
and rolls to the ground

Legolas: "Come, Gimli!"

Lexia: "We are gaining on them!"

Gimli: "I am wasted on cross-country! We dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!" As  we came over a hill and pause as they gaze across the plains below

Aragon: "Rohan. Home of the horse-lords. There is something strange at work here. Some evil gives speed to these creatures, sets its will against us"

Shannon: "As I can feel it Aragon"

Adeline: "Me too Shannon"

As Legolas and Lexia  runs ahead and looks out to the horizon.

Aragon: "Legolas Lexia what do your Elf eyes see?"

Legolas: "The Uruks turn northeast"

Lexia: "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"

Aragon, Shannon & Kassie: "Saruman"

Adeline: "The White Wizard" as we need to hurry to get Merry and Pippin before its to late

Sauron POV

As I saw Morgoth talked to Saruman the white wizard as I heard what Saruman said

Saruman: "The world is changing Who now has the strength to stand against the armies of Isengard and Mordor? To stand against the might of Morgoth and Saruman and the union of the two towers?" As he and Morgoth will won't stop til they rule middle earth "Together, my lord Sauron, we shall rule this Middle-earth" as I saw the images of The trees around Isengard are being ripped down, chopped up and used to feed huge furnaces. The caverns of Isengard glow with the fires of industry, sounds
of hammering fill the air and molten iron is poured into casts to forge weapons "The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall.
A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fists of the Orc. We have only to remove those who oppose us" as he stands in the midst of a gathering of Dunlanders

Saruman: "The horsemen took your land. They drove your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks"

Crowd: "Murderers!"

Saruman: "Take back the lands they stole from
you! Burn every village!"

Crowd: "Argh!!"

They stomp off to destroy the villages of Rohan as Saruman stands coldly still among the stampede. A Rohan village
is in pandemonium as people try to escape the on-coming pillage "It will begin in Rohan. Too long have these peasants stood against you. But no more"

As a woman with her hand on a horse calls out to her children

Morwen: "Éothain! Éothain! You take your sister. You'll go faster with just two" as I can tell the look of the little girl's face as she's scared as I wish I can be there to help them

Freda: As her mother puts her onto the horse in
front of her brother "Papa says Éothain must not ride Garulf, he is too big for him!" As her mother looking her son

Morwen: "Listen to me. You must ride to Edoras and raise the alarm. Do you understand me?"

Éothain: "Yes, Ma!"

Freda: As she starts to cry as it breaks my heart to see the children crying to leave their parents as i will try to help her calm "I don't wanna leave!
I don't wanna go, Mama!"

Morwen: "Freda, I will find you there" as I heard a woman screams "Quickly!" As she watch her children ride As she Look after them "Go child!" Dunlanders and Uruk-hai enter the village, burning everything in sights as the Rohirrim scream and run in all directions. Éothain and Freda weep as they look
back from a distance

Saruman: "Rohan, my lord, is ready to fall" as I telepathy to the little girl as I will help her calm down

Sauron: "Shh it's going be alright child as you will see your mother again trust me on this" as the little girl don't look scared when I talked to her as it make me feel happy that she's all calm as I know that Shannon will help them as I hope that she's safe

Shannon POV:

As we run after the Uruk-hai. It is dawn as Legolas stop and look up

Legolas: "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night" as we keep going until we hear the sound of horses as we Hide behind some boulders. A large group of horse-men appears, galloping quickly with their banners flying. Aragorn comes out of hiding as they pass, we followed him

Aragon: "Riders of Rohan, what news from the Mark?"

At a signal from Éomer at the lead, the riders make a quick turn and head towards them, surrounding them in ever-
circles. As they stop, they point their long spears menacingly at us

Éomer: "What business does the elves, a men, a Dwarf and a witch have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!"

Gimli: "Give me your name, Horsemaster, and I shall give you mine" Éomer hands his staff to another rider, and gets off his horse. Aragorn and I puts our hands on Gimli's shoulders

Éomer: "I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground" as Legolas and Lexia in a lightning fast move, pointing their arrows at Éomer

Legolas: "You would die before your stroke fell!"
The riders all point their spears closer at us as Aragorn pushes down Legolas' arm as he looking at Éomer

Aragon: "I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Glóin and Legolas of the Woodland realm and Morimer of Minas Tirith and our new companions Shannon, Lexia, Kirstin and Courtney We are friends of Rohan and of Théoden, your king"

Éomer: "Théoden no longer recognizes friend from foe" Takes off his helmet"Not even his own kin" as the spears are withdrawn "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say, as an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his spies slip past our nets"

Aragon: "We are not spies. Uruk-hai westward They've taken two"

Éomer: "The Uruks are destroyed. We slaughtered them during the night"

Gimli: "But there were two hobbits. Did you see two hobbits with them?"

Aragon: "They would be small –"

Shannon: "only children to your eyes"

Éomer "We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them" as he pointed l to a smoking pile in the distance

Gimli: "Dead?"

Éomer: as he nod "I am sorry" until Kirstin and Éomer's arms glow as they had the same soul marks as Legolas puts a hand on Gimli's shoulder in grief. Éomer turns and whistle "Hasufel! Arod! Diljeet! Watseka! Sultan! Hialeah! Usdi! Tsula! Hutata! Atsila! Tala! Lunar!  horses move up as the white one from months ago that came to help Arwen as he nuzzle me as a black horse that it's mane is wavy as she came to Adeline like she chose her  "May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters. Farewel" as a horse with black and wavy hair coming atAdeline as she look like she's been chosen as she look like 

Éomer puts on his helmet and gets back on his horse "Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands and I hope I see you again" as he looking at Kirstin as he say to the riders "We ride north!" As we on as the Riders go off as we ride towards the burning carcasses as we stop that Gimli starts to shift through the smoldering pile, and pulls out a charred belt and dagger sheath

Gimli: "It's one of their wee belts" as Legolas elf language like a prayer as their head bowed and eyes closed

Legolas: "Hiro îth... ab 'wanath... 'May they find peace in death'"

Aragon: As he kick the helmet and screams "AAARRGGHH!!!" He falls to his knees

Gimli: "We failed them" as Aragorn looks to the side as some tracks catch his attention

Aragon: "A hobbit lay here, and the other" as we can see what happened "They crawled" as we start follow the tracks "Their hands were bound" as we keep going "Their bonds were cut" as Aragorn holds up a broken length of thick rope "They ran over here. They were followed.
Their hands freed" as we keep going "The tracks lead away from the battle..." as we infont of the tree "into Fangorn Forest" as we look at the Dark Forest

Gimli: "Fangorn. What madness drove them in there?"

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