Chapter 11 Training By Lady Galadriel & The Split part 1

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Chapter 11

Training By Lady Galadriel & The Split part 1

The mists of morning lay heavily along the river.
trees arch through the fogs, stray beams of light falling on the cold, blue waters as Galadriel approaches the bank in an elegant ship, carved in the likeness of a swan elves clasp elven cloak on us, each with a leaf-brooch as they look like
As mine is blue, as Lexia is black, as Lexi is gray, as Kristin is red, as Courtney is Sky Blue, as Shelby's is turquoise and Adam's is navy blue as they told us that our capes change colors to camouflage as Celeborn

Celeborn: "Never before have we clad strangers
in the garb of our own people.
Bare-branched May these cloaks help shield you from
unfriendly eyes" As Galadriel came to us as she give us the gifts for our journey

Galadriel: "My gift for you, Legolas is a bow of the Galadhrim. Worthy of the skill of
our woodland kin"
Legolas and Develas lifts an elegant bow and tests its strength. Galadriel smiles and walks to Merry and Pippin as she give them the daggers "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war" as they removes a dagger from its sheathe and gazes upon it as Pippin looks upon his gift with the fear he may have to use it. He casts his eyes upon "Do not fear, young Peregrin Took.
You will find your courage "And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven
rope made of hithlain" Sam bows to her, accepting his gift.

Sam: "Thank you, my lady"
He looks at Merry and Pippin, and then back to Galadriel "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" As Galadriel smiles, and Sam holds onto his rope, embarrassed. She moves on to Gimli, who stares at the ground in her presence "What gift would a Dwarf ask of the
Elves?"Gimli shakes his head quickly.Nothing. He looks up at her.

Gimli: "Except to look upon the lady of the
Galadhrim one last time for she is
more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth" Galadriel laughs. Gimli scowls at his foolishness and turns away. He recovers and turns back to her "Actually... There was one thing. No, no, I couldn't. It's quite impossible. Stupid to ask"
Galadriel stands before Aragon "I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear"
She touches the Evenstar Pendant that he wearing "Am meleth dîn. I ant e-guil Arwen Undómiel ... pelitha.
'For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar ... will diminish'"
Aragon: "Aníron i e broniatha ar periatham amar hen. Aníron e ciratha a Valannor.
'I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor'"

Galadriel: "That choice is yet before her. You have
your own choice to make, Aragorn To rise above the height of all your
fathers since the days of Elendil or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin.
Silence follows .. branches shake ... a spider web's glimmering strands sway in the wind" as she walked to Frodo As she give him the star Crystal as she walked to Shelby first "To you my granddaughter that I give you the necklace of your families as they protect from any dark magic" as she put the necklace on her as it look like

Shelby: "Thank you grandmother" as she walked to Adam as she give him two pouches

Galadriel: "To you Adam the pouch of never ending supply of kingsfoil for healing" as she give the healing pouch first as she give the other one "And the pouch of never ending of Lembas bread" as she give it to him as he bow to her with respect as she walked to Courtney as she hold up the wand to her as it look like
"The wand of the elder witch who past down the new generation of the witch of the world as it now yours Courtney" as she give it too her

Courtney: "Thank you" as she walked to Lexia as she give her the clothes are like theirs as she say

Galadriel: "This clothes will shifted along with you as your clothes will not rip while you shifted your animal forms" as Lexia bow in respect as they went to the room to put them on as she walked to Kristin as she give her the map as she explains "This map will help you to figure the plan on the battlefields where you fight" as she bow to her as she walked to Lexi as she give her the snake bracelet as it look like
"This bracelet will only talked to you in the mind as it will tell you that theirs friend or foe as it will help you through your journey" me as she holding the necklace that is look like as she say to me
"The necklace was made by Sauron as he chant the spell to let you know when danger is near as it will glow Shannon" as I bow to her as I understand what she saw as others except me, Lexia, Courtney, Kristin, Shelby, Adam and Kassie as she will help us to control our powers as we train with our weapons by Lady Galadriel, Kassie and Adeline as we feel like we're ready

Galadriel: "Best be off with the rest of your competitions" as I use my powers to had us teleport where we met them at

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