Chapter 4 Gandalf Returns

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Chapter 4

Gandalf Returns

Shannon POV

As we keep going through the Fangorn forest as Gimli fingers a dark stain on a leaf and brings it to his mouth.

Gimli: "Ptui! Orc blood"

Shannon, Kassie, Adeline, Lexia, Courtney & Kirstin: "Yuck"

Aragon: "These are strange tracks"

Gimli: "The air is so close in here."

Legolas: "This forest is old. Very old full of memory... and anger" As we heard a groans reverberate through the forest and Gimli raises his axe "The trees are speaking to each other"

Aragon: Whispers to Gimli "Gimli!"

Gimli: "Huh?" As he looking at him as I Gestures my hand down

Shannon: "Lower your axe"

Gimli: as he lowering his axe slowly "Oh"

Legolas: "Aragorn, nad nâ ennas! 'Something is out there'"

Aragon: "Man cenich? 'What do you see?'"

Legolas: "The White Wizard approaches"

Aragon: "Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us" as he wraps his hand around the hilt of his sword, Gimli tightens his hold on his axes, Legolas and Lexia notches an arrow to their bows as Kassie, Adeline, Courtney, Kirstin and I wrap our hands on our sword hilt
"We must be quick" With a yell we swing round to attack until the wizard made us drop our weapons as we shield our eyes with their hands from the bright light emanating from
the White Wizard

White Wizard: "You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits"

Aragon: "Where are they?"

White Wizard: "They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?"

Aragon: "Who are you? Show yourself!" As the bright light dims, revealing Gandalf, all dressed in white as we look shock as Legolas and Gimli bow

Aragon: "It cannot be. You fell"

Gandalf: "Through fire and water From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth Until at last, I threw down my enemy
and smote his ruin upon the mountainside Darkness took me. And I strayed out
of thought and time Stars wheeled overhead and everyday was as long as
a life-age of the earth. But it was
not the end. I felt life in me again
I've been sent back until my task is done.

Aragon: "Gandalf!"

Gandalf: "Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me. Gandalf the Grey. That was my name" as he smiles

Gimli: "Gandalf!"

Gandalf: as he had a twinkle in his eye "I am Gandalf the White And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide." As we walk through the forest, with Gandalf leading the way, now wearing a grey cloak over his white robes "One stage of your journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed" as we out of the the forest, Gandalf whistles piercingly. Soon an answering neigh is heard and a white horse appears from the plain, answering the call

Leoglas: "That is one of the Mearas"

Lexia: "Unless your eyes are cheated by some spell" as the horse comes round to stop in front of Gandalf

Gangalf: "Shadowfax  He's the lord of all horses and he's
been my friend through many dangers" as we ride across the plains to Edoras

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