Chapter 14 Split Part 4

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Chapter 14

Split Part 4

Third Person Pove:

On the lakeshore, Frodo stands in front of one of the Elvish  boats, the RING in his palm.
as Sam... running as hard as he can through the forest...

Sam: "Mr. Frodo!"

Frodo looks to the far side of the river ... the as he hear his voice in his head
Frodo: "I wish the Ring had never come to me. I
wish none of this had happened..." as his tears fall down his face...

Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times... but that is not for them to decide. All
we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
With renewed determination" As he tucks the RING inside his vest pocket as he pushing the Elvish boat into the water... as Sam bursts through the trees and runs toward the lake ... Frodo is already paddling away.
Sam: "Not alone, Frodo. Mr. Frodo!" As Shelby, Adam, Lexi, and Aleksander saw Frodo, in the boat, paddling steadfastly away from the shore ... tears in his eyes ... the voice of SAM carried on the wind. FRODO whispers to himself.

Frodo: "No, Sam" SAM looks at the water ... then at the boat.
SPLASH! Frodo turns to see Sam  launching himself into the water
"Go back, Sam! I'm going to Mordor alone" as Sam splashes hopelessly toward the boat.

Sam: "Of course you are ... and I'm coming with you!"

Frodo: "You can't swim"
SAM starts to go under, spluttering and coughing.....Frodo drops his paddle and scramble backwards in the boat...

Shelby, Adam, Lexi, Aleksander & Frodo: "Sam!"
Sam is underwater ... hands flailing helplessly as he
Frodo's hand grasping SAM'S...
Frodo  and Sam look at each other, out of breath, tears and water streaming down both their faces.

Sam: "I made a promise, Mr. Frodo ... a promise. 'Don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee' And I don't mean to ... I don't mean to"
Frodo: "Oh, Sam!"
Frodo starts to laugh through his tears ... the two friends hug "Come on then..." as Shelby, Adam, Lexi and Aleksander got on the boat as they paneled to them

Shelby: "Frodo wait I also made the promise to My Grandfather Gandalf to help you Frodo" smile at him as he nod as they make the other side of the river

Shannon Pove:

Looking down on swiftly flowing water ... BOROMIR'S body slides
He is lying in one of the boats, his arms across his chest ... his broken horn at his side as we watch the boat drops away... as it plunges over the massive FALLS OF RAUROS, disappearing into the vapor Legolas and Lexia pushes the last boat into the water.
Legolas: "If we are quick"

Lexia: "we will catch Frodo, Sam, Shelby, Adam, Lexi and Aleksander before nightfall"

ARAGORN looks toward the far shore on the distant RIVERBANK as Frodo, Sam, Shelby, Adam, Lexi and Aleksander make off into the forest beyond. He doesn't react turns

Legolas: "You mean not to follow them..."

Arago: "Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands"

Gimli: "Then it has all been in vain ... the Fellowship has failed"

Aragon: "Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left"

Shannon: "He's right Gimli"

As he pulls a hunting  knife out of his pack and straps it on "Leave all that can be spared behind" as steely light in his eye "We travel light. Let's hunt some Orc"

Gimli: "Yes! Ha!"

As we disappear into the woods, following the URUK-HAI trail.

Shelby Pove:

As we climbed on the rock we saw the distant line of toothed mountains below a dark, oppressive sky. Black volcanic smoke rises behind the mountains ...Mordor

Frodo: "Mordor! I hope the others find a safer road"

Sam: "Strider'll look after them"

Shelby: "Same gose with Shannon because she cares others more than herself"

Frodo: "I don't suppose we'll ever see them again"

Sam: "We may yet, Mr. Frodo. We may"

Shelby: "Don't lose hope Frodo"

Frodo: "Guys?
As he looking at Sam with great affection ... despite the grim outlook, we undeterred..."I'm glad you're with me" As we setting off toward Mordor as I pray that Shannon and others are safe

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