Chapter 9 Mines of Moria

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Chapter 9

Mines of Moria

as we make our way in the shadow of the ruins of a great aqueduct in the mist and ice of the mountains as Gimli comes to the top of the path and looks in wonder as he look in awe
Gimli: "The Walls of Moria!" As we stands before a looming cliff cut into a sheer formation as it is the night Footing is treacherous on the narrow strips of green and greasy stones as Gandalf approaches the smooth rock wall between two twisted gnarled trees... slowly, faint lines appear like slender veins of luminous silver running through the stone.

Gandalf: "Isildin ... it mirrors only starlight
and moonlight" as the moon rises over the mountains when we see The lines on the wall grow broader and clearer, forming a glowing arch of interlacing ancient letters and symbols as Gandalf read it "The door of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter."
Merry: "What do you suppose that means?"
Gandalf: "It's simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password and the doors will open" as he raises his arms as he said the spell "Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen! 'Gate of the Elves, open now for me!'" The cliff towers into the night, the wind blows cold, Frodo shivers... and the door stands fast. Undaunted, as Gandalf raises his arms again... as I help Aragon and Sam to get things off Bill the pony as Sam packs pots and pans at his feet ... watching sadly

Aragon: "Mines are no place for a Pony, even one so brave as Bill"

Sam: "Bye, Bill."

Aragorn: "Go on, Bill, go on ..."

Shannon: "Don't worry, Sam ... he knows his way home" Aragorn slaps Bill on the rump ... Bill goes trotting off as Sam watching Bill disappear into the darkness as I heard a splash! Merry and Pippin are tossing stones into the lake. Black rippling Rings slowly fan out. Pippin is about to throw another stone, but Aragon grabs his arm.
Aragon: "Do not disturb the water" as he watches anxiously as the ripples appear to grow ... as Gandalf gives up in despair ... he sits down beside Frodo as he peers at the elvish inscription ... his face breaks into a smile of comprehension.
Frodo: "It's a riddle..." as Gandalf raises his eyebrows...

Frodo: "Speak, friend, and enter. What's the Elvish word for friend?" As Gandalf answer his question

Gandalf: "Mellon" With that, the rock face silently divides in the middle and two great doors swing outwards ... revealing a blackness deeper than night. As the we  enter the blackness something in the water stirs... as step warily into the darkness of Moria ... a dank cavern, with winding steps leading deeper into the mountain.
Gimli: "Soon, Master Elf, you will enjoy the
fabled hospitality of the Dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin ... And they call this a mine. A mine!" As glow from Gandalf's staff suddenly lights the chamber ... as we recoil in HORROR! Many Dwarf skeletons are strewn about, clearly in the dead of some old battle ... the rusting armor and shields are peppered with arrows and axes
Boromir: "This is no mine ..."

Morimer: "It's a tomb!" As Gimli look in horror
Gimli: "Oh ... no ... no ... no...!"

As Legolas pulls a crude arrow out of a skeleton.

Legolas: "Goblins."

As we draw swords and back away, towards the entrance

Boromir: "We make for the Gap of Rohan. We should
never have come here" as we exit as Frodo is suddenly pulled to the ground! a long sinuous
Tentacle is wrapped around Frodo's ankle and is dragging him
towards the lake! Frodo cries out as Aragorn and Boromir rush forward! Aragorn severs the tentacle holding Frodo, as I  pull him to safety ... Boromir hacks at the other writhing limbs, 20 more tentacles ripple out of the lake! The dark water boils as the hideous beast lashes out at us
again the creature grabs Frodo and pulls him to the lake. Frodo is flung in the air as I  battle the creature. I attack at its tentacle ... Frodo is released, falling into Boromir's arms.
Gandalf: "Into the mines!

Boromir: "Legolas!"

Legolas shoots an arrow into the creature's head, gaining a few vital seconds for Aragorn and Boromir  as they race out of the water with Frodo as we hurriedly back away from the creature ... retreating into the Moria chamber as many coiling arms seize the large doors with a shattering echo, the creature rips the doors away, creating a rock slide that crashes down the cliff face within seconds, tons of rock seal the doorway .. throwing us into pitch of  blackness as the faint light rises from GANDALF'S staff, throwing a creepy glow across the old wizard's face.

Gandalf: "Now we have but one choice ... we must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard ... there are older and fouler things than the Orcs in the deep places of the world" as we crossing a precarious bridge above deep mine workings "Quietly, now. It's a four day journey to
the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed" as we enter a chamber with old ropes and ancient ladders as The endless depth of the mine. A faint, blue glow issues from its depths. It looks all but abandoned as we continues onward up a steep stair, passing through a dwarf cemetery as the  graves are despoiled ... dwarf skeletons are strewn about and goblin graffiti is scrawled on monuments in dried dwarf blood the atmosphere is very sinister as the  path splits into three passages ... each disappearing into dark tunnel. Gandalf pauses, frowning.

Gandalf: "I have no memory of this place" as it is the
later... we are nervously waiting ... while Gandalf sits, staring intently at the 3 tunnel mouths in front of him. He appears to be in some kind of trance as
Frodo, me, Shelby and Adam turns at the sound of a faint noise down the tunnel behind us
Pippin: "Are we lost?"

Merry: "No. I don't think we are. Shhh
Gandalf's thinking"

Pippin: "Merry"

Merry: "What?"

Pippin: "I'm hungry"

As We saw sudden glimpse of a creature darting in the.
Frodo is nervous...he approaches Gandalf

Frodo: "There's something down there"

Gandalf: "It's Gollum"

Frodo, Shannon, Shelby & Adam: "Gollum!"

Gandalf: "He's been following us for three

Frodo: "He escaped from the dungeons of Barad-dûr?"
Gandalf: "Escaped ... or was set loose. And now
the Ring has drawn him here ... he will never be rid of his need for it. He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself. Sméagol's life is a sad story" as he catches Frodo's look of surprise. "Yes ... Sméagol he was once called ...
Before the Ring came to him, before it drove him mad"

Frodo: "It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance"

Gandalf: "Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's
hand. Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo?" As Frodo frowns. "Do not be too eager to deal out death
in judgment ... even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many"

Frodo: "I wish the Ring had never come to me
... I wish none of this had happened"
Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times,
but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us There are other forces at work in this
world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you also were meant to have it ... and that is an encouraging thought Ah! It's that way" Gandalf points at the right hand tunnel ... we scramble to their feet.
Merry: "He's remembered!"

Gandalf: "No. But the air doesn't smell so foul
down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose! Yes..." as we pass under an arched doorway into a black and empty space as Gandalf auses...

Gandalf: "Let me risk a little more light" as he taps his staff ... for a brief moment a light blazes ... like a silent flash of lightning. Great shadows spring up and flee... "Behold! The great realm and Dwarf-city
of Dwarrowdelf" as me, my sister, my cousin and others we are in awe of the place as we keep going as there's Ahead of us, a wooden door has been smashed. black arrows are embedded in the timbers. two goblin skeletons lie in the doorway. Gimli rushes ahead...

Gandalf: "Gimli!!"

As Gimli rushes into another vast empty chamber ... lit with a narrow shaft of sunlight, beaming in from a small hole near the roof. Dwarf and goblin skeletons are piled high. In the far corner sits a stone walled well a shaft of light falls directly onto a stone table in the middle of the room: a single oblong block, about 4 feet high, topped with a great slab of white stone. he falls to his knees...

Gimli: ", no!" As he cry as he lost his cousin as Gandalf quietly reads an inscription of runes, carved onto the white stone slab.
Gandalf: "^Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of
Moria^ He is dead, then. It's as I feared" As Gandalf carefully lifts the rotting remains of a book from the white stone slab. It has been slashed and stabbed ... and appears to be covered in dried blood. The pages crack and break as he opens it as he read it
"^They have taken the Bridge and the second hall: we have barred the gates ... but cannot hold them for long ... the ground shakes .. drums drums in the deep ... we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no-one save us? They are coming^" as Pippin lean against the well, sending a precariously balanced armored
Skeleton tumbling in! Merry reaches out, grabbing hold of him before he falls as we freeze in stunned silence as the armored skeleton clatters down the deep well ... echoing loudly!
Unnerved, Pippin backs away nervously ... He stumbles as the noise becomes... growing louder ... BOOM ... BOOM ... as if the caverns of Moria were turned into a vast drum. A great horn blasts nearby ... answering horns ... running feet ... harsh cries ... Gandalf turns angrily on Pippin "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next
time, and rid us of your stupidity!"
Pippin, chastened as a silent. A low rolling BOOM rises from the depths below
Sam's eyes glance at Frodo's belt...
Sam: "Mr. Frodo!"

Frodo looks down. A cold blue glow is emanating from stings scabbard! Frodo draws the sword ... and stares at its glowing blade!

Legolas: "Orcs!"

Aragon: "Get back! Stay close to them" as he mean me, Gandalf and others as he and Boromir slam and wedge the doors. Boromir catches sight of something; he turns to Aragon with shock in his eyes.

Boromir: "They have a cave-troll!"

Morimer: "Great"

Gimli snatches up two rusty Dwarf axes and leaps onto the tomb.
Gimli: "Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" And BOOM! The door bursts open in a shower of wood fragments, and 20
Goblins charge into the tomb, followed by a Hugh cave troll! As Gimli ducks a blow and immediately buries his axes in 2 goblin helmets. Aragon and Boromir wade into the mass of goblins with their swords. Legolas and Lexia fires deadly arrows into goblins throats, desperately trying to shield the hobbits! Gandalf is clutching his sword, glamdring, and joins in the battle as I, Shelby, Adam and Kassie protecting Frodo the cave troll is sweeping his club at Aragorn ... who stumbles backwards ... the huge club descends for the killing blow ... suddenly, in a flash of steel, Boromir's long sword slices into the scaly arm of the troll; it rears back, spewing green blood!
Sam is backed up against a wall .. a sword in one hand, a saucepan in the other. In desperation he swings wildly at a goblin with the saucepan! It keels over ... Sam looks surprised. He wallops another goblin and it too, drops.

Sam: "I think I'm getting the hang of this"

As Shelby, Adam and Kassie help others as I protecting Frodo as the troll try to get us as we been so quick as then we try to hide as then he found us as he thrust his spear on Frodo's chest

Shannon: "NO!" As I jump on it's head as I strike my sword on its head as it is dead as it's body about to fall as I land gracefully as I run to Frodo as I heard Aragon yelled in shocked

Aragorn: "Frodo!" As he rush to us as others looking horrified... as Frodo coughs ... takes a huge breath.

Sam: "He's alive"

Frodo: "I'm all right. I'm not hurt"

Aragon: "You should be dead. That spear would
have skewered a wild boar"
Gandalf: "I think there's more to this Hobbit
than meets the eye"

Frodo opens his shirt to reveal the Mithril vest as troll spear did not pierce the Mithril.
Gimli: "Mithril! You are full of surprises,
Master Baggins" as we heard the BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. the sound of the drums rings out again! Gandalf turns to us

Gandalf: "To the bridge of Khazad-Dûm!" As we rush to the bridge of Khazad-Dûm as we keep going as we go towards a distant door ... as goblins start scuttling down the pillars behind us, like cockroaches! Frodo looks with horror at the overwhelming goblin
army that's rushing towards them!
Suddenly! A deafening roar fills the air! A fiery light dances down the hallway ... the pillars castings eerie shadows the goblins freeze. They back fearfully away from the approaching beast ... melting into the darkness.
Boromir: "What is this new devilry?"

A huge shadow, surrounded by flame, falls across the hall ... the ground shakes ... an unearthly sound rumbles.
Gandalf: "A Balrog ... a demon of the ancient world! This foe is beyond any of you! Run! Quickly!"

The BALROG, a massive creature rises from a chasm, a great 40- foot man-beast, with a mane of flames! In one hand is a BLADE ... like a stabbing tongue of fire; in the other, a whip of many thongs. ARAGORN leads the us to the top of a dizzying stairway ... Gandalf follows, leaning heavily on his staff Aragorn looks at Gandalf, concerned.
Gandalf: "Lead them on, Aragorn! The bridge is
near" Aragon hesitates ... Gandalf  looks at him "Do as I say; Swords are no more use here"

We race down the stairway Aragorn picks up Frodo ... leaping across a gaping chasm ... Gandalf yells to the others Aragorn makes to throw Gimli across the chasm.
Gimli: "Nobody tosses a dwarf!"

The balrog smashes through the wall and spreads its vast wings. It swoops down past us, disappearing into a flaming pit! As we un into the second hall ... the floor is split with fissures that spit flame.
Gandalf: "Over the bridge! Fly!"

They race towards the slender bridge of stone ... without kerb or rail ... at the far end of the hall as we recklessly hurry over the dizzying bridge .. but Gandalf ... the last ... pauses in the middle of the span ... he faces the balrog ... staff in one hand ... glamdring in the other! As Frodo, Shelby and I look back in horror:
Gandalf: "You cannot pass!" As me, Shelby and Frodo scream in alarm for Gandalf

Frodo, Shannon & Shelby: "Gandalf!"
Gandalf: "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn" As we watches as the balrog puts one foot on the bridge and draws up to full height, wings spreading from wall-to-wall. Gandalf is a tiny figure, balanced precariously on the narrow bridge "Go back to the Shadow!" The balrog slashes at Gandalf with its sword of flame ... Gandalf blocks with glamdring ... a ringing clash and the balrog's sword shattered into molten fragments! "You shall not pass!!" The balrog places one foot onto the bridge as he summons his last reserves of Strength!!
He thumps the bridge with his staff ... a blinding sheet of white flame springs up ... the staff shatters ... the bridge breaks ... right at the Balrog's  feet.
The stone bridge drops away into the w ... from under the balrog. For a moment, the great BEAST remains poised in the air ... then it plunges down relief floods our faces ... Gandalf remains trembling on the lip of the broken bridge As the balrog falls, he lashes out with his whip of fire...
around Gandalf's knees, dragging him over the brink! Gandalf just manages to hang on by his fingertips as Frodo and Shelby went to get him as I stop Shelby along with Adam as Boromir stop Frodo
Frodo: "Gandalf!"

Gandalf: "Fly, you fools!" As he lets go his grip and falls away ... following the balrog into the bottomless abyss! Frodo & Shelby cries out! Boromir scoops him up and carries him away! As Adam scoops Shelby and carries her away as we  rush towards an archway. tumble out of the GREAT EASTERN GATE on to a grassy sunlit hillside. We fall slowly to the ground, and crying from loss of Gandalf...
Aragorn: "Legolas Alekander get them up"

Boromir: "Give them a moment ... for pity's sake!"
Aragorn: "By nightfall these hills will be
swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Alekander get them up. On your feet, Sam.
Boromir glances towards Frodo, then back at Aragorn. Frodo is walking away, as if in a daze "Frodo? Frodo!" As Frodo had a devastated face as he lost his great friend

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