Chapter 7 Council

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Chapter 7


As we walked to the council about the Ring as we sit down

Elrond: "Strangers from distance lands.....friends of old, you've been summoned here to here to answer the threat of Mordor Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction, none can escape it You will unite or you will fall" as he asked Frodo to bring the ring on the stone plinth as we heard what they say

Boromir: "So it is true........It is a gift........A gift to the foes of Mordor......Why not use this Ring?" As he explains as his father the Sterward of Gondor as he said they can use the ring but Aragon disagreed

Aragon: "You cannot wield it, None of us can....The One Ring answers Sauron alone, it has no other master" as like Morimer agreed with Aragon

Boromir: "And what would a Ranger know of this matter?"

Legolas: "This is no mere Ranger He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn you owe him your allegiance"

Boromir: "Aragon....This is Isildur's heir?"

Legolas & Alekander: "And heir to the throne of Gondor" as Aragon told them sit down on elf language

Boromir: "Gondor has no King......Gondor needs no King" as he sit down as Morimer don't like how his brother act like this to the heir of Gondor

Gandalf: "Aragon is right we cannot use it" as he agreed with Aragon

Elrond: "You have only one choice.....The Ring must be destroyed" as Gimli said

Gimli: "What are we waiting for?" As he grab his ax as he going break the ring but the bring broke his ax as it push him

Elrond: "The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gló any craft that we here possess.....The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom....Only there can it be must be taken deep into Mordor.......and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came......One of you... must do this" as they start to argue about as I felt like there's someone to possess as I heard a voice in my head

Sauron: "Don't be afraid of me " as the voice sound caring as I listen as I let it do it as my eyes closed and black out

Sauron Pov:

As I enter my soulmate as I'm in her body as I try not to hurt her as her eyes open and I said

Sauron: "Stop it!" As I stand in my soulmate body as everyone looking at him as they glare at me as Gandalf the Grey said

Gandalf: "Sauron what you doing relase the girl"

Sauron: "I'm not the master of the ring and the true dark lord is Morgoth" as I tell the truth as everyone is shock about it as they been trick about me begin the dark lord

Gandalf: "Hows is it impossible?"

Sauron: "Morgoth knows I was going to be on the light side but he use his dark powers to split his soul into me as he dies his other soul be inside of me as he use me as a puppet as I cannot escape" as I explain it as I know that my soulmate felt the power of the ring when the hobbit put on the ring as she felt my pain as well from it and the she-elf said

Lexia: "Why you possess my Sister Shannon?" So that's my soulmate name is Shannon it's sound beautiful and unique just like her

Sauron: "I'm not here to hurt her because she's my soulmate and I came to warn you that Morgoth won't stop at nothing when he gets the ring so best be careful" As I looking at my twin sister Kassie as I'm grateful that she's been with Shannon as I looking at the new king of Gondor "Protect her and my sister Aragon" as I leave Shannon's body as I make sure I heal her from it

Shannon Pov:

As he left my body as I'm back to normal as I don't feel weak from it

Shannon: "What happened?"

Gandalf: "Sauron possess you as he's warning us"

Shannon: "How?"

Gandalf: "You are Sauron's soulmate Shannon as we know he's not the dark lord that thought" until we Frodo said

Frodo: "I'll take it.....I will take it.....I will take the Ring to Mordor......Though I do not know the way" as Gandalf walked to him

Gandalf: "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo long as it is yours to bear"

Aragon & Alekander: "If by our life or death we can protect you.....we will.......You have our swords" as they walked to them

Legolas: "And you have my bow" as he walked them

Gimli: "And my ax" as he walked to them

Boromir: "You carry the fates of us all, little one.......If this is indeed the will of the Council.......Then Gondor will see it done" as he and Morimer walked to them as Sam, Merry and Pippin deside to join the journey as me and other look each other as we thought of the same thing

Shannon & others: "We'll join you as friends sticks together no matter what" as Frodo smile at us as we walked to them

Elrond: "Twenty Companions........So be it......You shall be he Fellowship of the Ring"

Pippin: "Great. Where are we going?" and that me and others laugh a little Poor Pippin's I saw Lexia's soul mark glow as we saw Legolas hand glow as we now know that Legolas is Lexia's soulmate as they talked about themselves as it night time as I'm we went to bed for today as I sleeps I saw some light figure coming at him as the light vanish I saw a man

 Where are we going?" and that me and others laugh a little Poor Pippin's I saw Lexia's soul mark glow as we saw Legolas hand glow as we  now know that Legolas is Lexia's soulmate as they talked about themselves as it night time as I'm we went to ...

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Sauron: "It's nice to finally met you Shannon" as I look shock that he know my name as I don't know who that is

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Sauron: "It's nice to finally met you Shannon" as I look shock that he know my name as I don't know who that is

Shannon: "How did you know my name?" As he smile at me

Sauron: "I am Sauron Shannon" as he show me his soulmate marks as it has a dragon as my soulmark glows as his too and smile "I'm so happy to see you're safe Shannon" as he walked to me as he hug me as I feel safe in his arms as I hug him back as I'm so happy to find my soulmate that I want to find when I was little girl as he's here with me as he told me that he will protect me from Morgoth as he will come to me in my dreams as I saw him fade away as I'm waking up as he kiss his my forehead as he vanished as I woke up

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