Chapter 13 Orcs Attack & Split Part 3

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Chapter 13

Orcs Attack & Split Part 3

As it is next day as we get our things ready to continue our journey as Aragon explains us

Aragon: "We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot ... we approach Mordor from the North" as Gimli look either horrified or worried
Gimli: "Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better ... a festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see"

Aragon: "That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf" as Gimli look complain about it as I walked to him
Gimli: "Recover my..."

Shannon: "Gimli please listen to him" as I walked to Legolas and Aragon as my necklace glow as it's warning me like something is coming

Legolas: "We should leave now"

Aragon: "No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness"
Legolas: "It is not the Eastern shore that worries me" as I agree

Shannon: "As it worries me as well" we casts a glance around into the Parth Galen forest... "A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near, I can feel it" as Aragon looking at us, knowing full well what we meant as Sam  has slumped asleep as Merry dumps a small pile of kindling at Gimli's feet....
Merry: "Where's Frodo?"
Sam sits up with a start ...
As head snaps around as I saw Boromir's shield which lies abandoned by his camp bed as Aragon and I realizes that Boromir has gone!

Third Person Pove:
Frodo is walking beneath the trees ... lost in thought as his feet hit the rough edge of an ancient stone slab ... his eyes follow an overgrown path towards stone stairs leading to the Summit of Amon Hen... the seeing seat.
A Crackling Sound! As he freezes...
Boromir: "None of us should wander alone; you least of all. So much depends on you ... Frodo?" Frodo turns slowly ... he stares at Boromir, tense, cautious.

Boromir: "I know why you seek solitude. You suffer, I see it day by day. Are you sure you do not suffer needlessly?" Frodo stands silent for a moment ... the murmur of the wind in the trees and the distant roar of the Falls Of Rauros can be heard "Let me help you. There are other ways,
Frodo ... other paths that we might take"

Frodo: "I know what you would say, and it would sound like wisdom but for the warning of my heart"
Boromir: "Warning? Against what?" He has started forward towards Frodo as he backs away from him "We're all afraid, Frodo. But to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have ... don't you see that is madness?"

Frodo: "There is no other way"
Boromir: "I ask only for the strength to defend my people" as he drops the wood he collected "If you would but lend me the Ring..."

Frodo: "No..." as hesteps hurriedly away from him

Boromir: "Why do you recoil? I am no thief" as Frodo look wary

Frodo: "You are not yourself"
Boromir: "What chance do you think you have? They
will find you, they will take the Ring and you will beg for death before the end" Frodo turns to leave "You fool! It is not yours, save by unhappy chance. It might have been
mine! It should be mine! Give it to me! Give me the Ring" Boromir leaps on top of Frodo, grasping for the Ring! Frodo has only moments to act. Frodo rips the Ring from around his neck ... and rams it on his finger Frodo Disappear Boromir spins wildly around, yelling into thin air! "I see your mind ... you will take the Ring to Morgoth You will betray us! You go to your death and the death of us all! Curse you! Curse you and all your Halflings!"  stumbles and falls. His body shakes as if in the throes of a fit ... slowly, he comes
"Frodo! Frodo! What have I done? Please, Frodo..."

Frodo races through the misty Twilight world, past the foggy shapes of twisted trees. Somewhere behind him, Boromir's distraught voice carries, as if from another dimension.
Boromir: "I'm sorry, Frodo ... Frodo..." Frodo suddenly finds himself on the stone steps ... he clambers up the stairs, onto a high seat, perched on four stone pillars. Frodo cowers on the seat, like a lost child upon the throne of mountain kings. The world of mist swirls around him.
Frodo peers out from the seat ... the world seems to shrink. In all directions, view of far off lands towards him through the mist as Orcs spilling as all the power of the Dark Lord is in motion.
Frodo moves his gaze to the East ... fire explodes against the smoke, as a huge mass of black battlements fills Frodo's vision. A mountain of iron, immeasurably strong, tower of adamant Barad-Dûr, the fortress of Morgoth as Morgoth's eye leaps towards Frodo like a finger of of light

Morgoth: "They will fall!" As Frodo leaps off the seat, and tumbles down the stairs! The eye  sweeps Amon Hen  like a searchlight, seeking its RING! With a huge effort, FRODO wrenches the RING off his finger... as Frodo lies gasping on the Summit of Amon Hen ... below the ancient ruins of the seeing seat as a a black boot steps as Frodo looks up as he saw Aragon and Shannon towers over him.
Aragon & Shannon: "Frodo?"

Shannon Pove:

As Frodo look scared and worry way as he

Frodo: "It has taken Boromir" as we move towards Frodo...
Aragon: "Where is the Ring?" As
Frodo back away from us as we lost k shock by the movement.

Frodo: "Stay away!"

Aragon: "Frodo ... We swore to protect you"
Frodo: "Can you two protect me from yourselves?" As he uncurls his fist ... in his palm lies the ring! It glints, gold and beautiful in the afternoon sun ... Aragon's eyes are drawn to it "Would you destroy it?" As I hear the THE RING voice as it's talking to Aragorn.

The Ring: "Aragorn. Elessar" as Aragon kneeling to Frodo

Aragon: "I would have gone with you to the end ... into the very fires of Mordor"

Shannon: "As will I Frodo" smile at him

Frodo: "I know. Look after the others, especially
Sam ... he will not understand" as we we draws our swords

Aragon: "Go, Frodo!" As Frodo  hesitates as I say to him

Shannon: "Go Frodo we will met each other again soon" as I kiss his forehead as I hope that Shelby, Adam, Lexi, Aleksander help Frodo and Sam to get to Mordor as I rush him run now "Run. Run" as He backs away into the Aragon and I saw 200 URUK-HAI as we attack the leading URUK-HAI... we brings two down with his sword leaping into the ruins as others close in on him as we  battle the URUK-HAI, amongst the pillars and blocks of Amon Hen Despite his bravery, he is quickly surrounded.

Lexia Pove:

As we fight the as I been shot my arrows smash into the URUK-HAI as Legolas, Kirstin, Courtney and Morimer races out of the woods, as we fight as Gimli leaps into the battle, wielding his mighty ax

Third Person Pove:

Frodo is darting down the steep hillside as heavy feet thunder down after him

Sam: "Mr. Frodo!" As Sam,
Shelby, Adam, Lexi, and Aleksander looks around for Frodo as the URUK-HAI Leader  his URUKS.

URUK-HAI Leader: "Find the Halflings ... find the Halflings!"
as tree ... above him the sound of URUK-HAI crashing through the forest rings out.

Merry: "Frodo!"
Frodo turns to see Merry and Pippin hiding in a hollow, a few feet away as stumbles and falls ... quickly he crawls behind "Hide here, quick!"

Pippin: "Come on!" As Frodo looks at his friends ... slowly shakes his head, a great sadness in his eyes "What's he doing?" As Merry's eyes meets Frodo's Understanding.
Merry: "He's leaving"

Pippin: "No!" As he stands and makes a move toward Frodo .. Merry grabs at his arm.

Merry: "Pippin!" As they look up the slope where a cry has rings out. they have been seen! "Run, Frodo. Go on!" Merry waves his arms at the approaching Orcs "Hey, hey you! Over here!
Hey! Over here! This way!" As Merry and Pippin run, leading a pack of Orcs Frodo runs to the lake as Merry and Pippin, still running from the Orcs

Pippin: "It's working!"

Merry: "I know it's working! Run!" As Pippin stop ... more URUK-HAI approach from the other ... they are trapped
suddenly! Boromir charges up the hillside and blocks the stroke of the leading URUK-HAI.
the echo of Boromir's horn reaches Aragon, Shannon, Legolas, Develas, Lexia, Cassidy, Courtney, Morimer, Kassie, Adeline and Gimli... they are battling their way down the slopes towards the lake.
Legolas: "The horn of Gondor!"

Aragon, Shannon & Morimer: "Boromir!"
as they desperately slashes his way towards Boromir, felling URUK-HAI in his path ... while Legolas, Lexia, Courtney, Kassie, Adeline, Shannon, Morimer and Gimli fight a rear Guard action as the
many URUK-HAI fall to Boromir's sword as he tries to protect Merry and Pippin...

Boromir: "Run! Run!" URUK-HAI takes aim a black arrow suddenly thuds into Boromir's chest as Boromir continues fighting, but another arrow ... and another, brings him to his knees as Merry and Pippin are scooped off their feet by URUK- HAI.
Merry & Pippin: "Aaaaagh! Boromir! Boromir!"

Shannon Pove:
As I saw a URUK- HAI was aims his bow at Boromir's heart ... suddenly Aragon charges at him, smashing the bow with his sword as I rush to Boromir as Aragon cuts URUK- HAI down and races towards Boromir, who lies slumped against a tree ... URUK-HAI arrows sticking out of his chest.
At least 20 dead URUK-HAI lie heaped around Boromir his horn lies at his feet ... cloven in two.
Boromir: "They took the little ones..." as Aragon quickly tries to staunch the flow of blood from Boromir's shoulder "Frodo .. where is Frodo?"

Shannon: "We let Frodo go"
Boromir holds our gaze.

Boromir: "Then you both did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him"

Aragon: "The Ring is beyond our reach now"

Boromir: "Forgive me. I did not see ... I have failed you all"

Shannon: "No, Boromir. You fought bravely. You
have kept your honor"  As Aragon tries to bind Boromir's wound.

Boromir: "Leave it! It is over ... the world of Men will fall and all will come to darkness and my city to ruin"

Aragon: "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you ... I will not let the White City fall, nor your people fail..."

Boromir: "Our people ... our people..." as Aragon places Boromir's sword in his hand as Boromir's fingers tighten around the hilt "I would have followed you, my brother... my captain, my king." As Aragon lays Boromir down as we know that hr is dead

Aragon: "Be at peace"

Shannon: "son of Gondor" as he bends and kiss Boromir's forehead as others appear behind him ... Aragon stands.
Aragon: "They will look for his coming from the White Tower ... but he will not return" as I know that Shelby, Adam, Lexi and Aleksander are after Frodo and Sam

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