Chapter 1 Gollum

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Chapter 1


Shelby POV

As I see the Misty Mountains as I hear voices drift as

Gandalf: "You cannot pass!"

Frodo, Shannon & Shelby: "Gandalf!"

Gandalf: "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder
of the Flame of Anor!" As the I like closer to the mountain side
"Argh! Go back to the shadow. The Dark Fire will not avail you, Flame of Udûn!" As I like zoom in through the mountain
and saw my grandfather Gandalf and the Balrog
on the bridge of Khazad-dûm. The Balrog strikes down on
grandfather with its flaming sword he parries the blow with Glamdring, shattering the Balrog's sword "YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS!!!" As he strikes his staff onto the bridge As the Balrog steps forward, the bridge collapses from under it and the demon plunges backward into the chasm. He look exhausted, leans on his staff and watches the Balrog fall then turns to follow the others. At
the last minute, the flaming whip lashes up from the depths of the abyss and winds around Gandalf's ankle, dragging him over the edge. He clings onto the bridge but is straining to keep his grip "Argh!" Frodo and I rushes forward but Boromir, Shannon and Adam restrains us

Boromir: "No! No!"

Frodo: "Gandalf!"

Gandalf: "Fly, you fools!" As he loses his grip and falls into
the chasm

Frodo: "Noooooooooooooooo!!!!"
Gandalf loses his grip and falls into
the chasm as we calls after him as he falls into
the abyss "Gaaandaaaaalf!!"
As he falls after the Balrog and grabs hold of his sword Glamdring on his way down. As they continue to plunge into the depths, he hacks away
at the Balrog even as it thrashes and bounces off the walls. They continue
to plunge at great speed, sometimes with he clinging to the horn of the demon. The battling pair then falls into an enormous cavern and plunges into the water. Just then I woke up from that nightmare

Shelby: "Grandfather!"

Frodo: "Gandalf!" As Sam, Adam, Lexie and Alekander woke up as well

Sam: "What is it, Mr. Frodo?" As he check on him

Nothing. Just a dream. [Lies back down.]
[Frodo and Sam climbs over the rocky terrain Emyn Muil. They look into the distance at the Mountain of Fire.]
Mordor. The one place in Middle-earth we don't want to see any closer, and the one place we're trying to get to. It's just where we can't get. Let's face it, Mr. Frodo, we're lost. I don't think Gandalf meant for us to come this way.

Frodo: "He didn't mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam... but they did" as he like feels and sees the Eye zooming in on him. He gasps and pants as he backs away as we look at him to make sure if he's alright

Sam: "Mr. Frodo? It's the Ring, isn't it?"

Frodo: "It's getting heavier " as he Clutches the
Ring by his chest and sits down, still panting. He then fumbles for his water bottle and takes a sip
"What food have we got left?"

Sam: "Well, let me see" He takes out a package of lembas bread from his pack] "Oh yes, lovely – Lembas bread. And look!" He digs deeper into his pack "More lembas bread" Sam shows another package. He then breaks off a piece and tosses it to Frodo, and munches on a piece himself as Adam give me, Lexie and Alekander the lembas bread as we eat it "I don't usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff, it's not bad" as we smile

Frodo: "Nothing ever dampens your spirits,
does it Sam?"

Shelby: "As it will never will" Sam smiles back at us and then looks ominously towards Mordor

Sam: "Those rain clouds might" as we continue trekking through difficult terrain, often huddling underneath our  cloaks as Sam look around "This looks strangely familiar"

Frodo: It's because we've been here before!"

Shelby: " We're going in circles"

Sam: "Ah! What's that 'orrid stink? I'll warrant there's a nasty bog nearby. Can you
smell it?"

Frodo: "Yes. I can smell it"

Shelby: "We're not alone" as it is night as we are sleeping As we didn't know axdark shape appears on top of the cliff. As the  creature is Gollum has appeared and is making his way down to us

Gollum: "The thieves! The thieves! The filthy little thieves! Where is it? Where isss it? They stole it from us. My preciousss. [Gollum creeps closer and closer.] Curse them! We hates them! It's ours, it is.. and we wantssss it!" as he reaches out his hand towards us. Suddenly we spring up, grab hold of Gollum's arms and pull him down. Amidst the struggle, Gollum wriggles loose and leaps onto Frodo.
As Frodo falls back, the chain and Ring around his neck is revealed and Gollum jumps straight for the Ring. Sam, Adam tries to grab at him but is knocked away. Gollum now jumps on top of Frodo and tries to reach for the Ring even as Frodo grabs his hands and tries to push him away. Gollum's cheeks puff with exertion as he struggles with Frodo, his enormous eyes fixed on the Ring.
I grab hold of Gollum again and tears him away from Frodo. Gollum then turns around and bites my shoulder, wriggles around and clasps his arms around my neck and legs around his waist in a death grip. Frodo unsheathes Sting and holds it to Gollum's throat

Frodo: "This is Sting. You've seen it before, haven't you... Gollum! Release him or I'll cut your throat!" Slowly, Gollum loosens his grip on
Me and as I latter disentangle, Gollum wails as it is on the next morning as Gollum
is being dragged with Sam's Elvish rope around his neck, wailing and writhing

Gollum: "It burns! It burns us! It freezes! Nasty Elves twisted it. Take it off us!"

Sam, Adam, Alekander: "Quiet you!" As l Sam tugs fiercely at the rope Gollum cries some more and collapses onto his back. Sam turns to us in dismay

Sam: "It's hopeless! Every Orc in Mordor's going to hear this racket! Let's just tie him up and leave him"

Gollum: "No! That would kill us! Kill us!"

Sam: "It's no more than you deserve!"

Adam: "Sam that's kinda harsh" as I agree with that part

Frodo: "Maybe he does deserve to die, but now that I see him, I do pity him" as Gollum beg to us

Gollum: "We be nice to them if they
be nice to us. Take it off us. We swears to do what you wants. We swears" as Lexie whisper

Lexie: "Yeah right that we would" as I agree but he can't help it though as I felt bad for him

Frodo: "There's no promise you can make that I can trust"

Gollum: "We swears to serve the master of the preciousss. We swears on... on the precious Gollum. Gollum"

Frodo: "The Ring is treacherous"

Shelby: "It will hold you to your word"

Gollum: "Yes... on the preciousss. On the preciousss"

Sam: "I don't believe you!" as Gollum backs away,
frightened, and climbs onto a boulder "Get down! I said, down!" Sam jerks strongly at the rope as Gollum tries to get away from him. He crashes onto the ground, choking.

Frodo: "Sam!"

Sam: "He's trying to trick us! We let him go he'll throttle us in our sleep!" Gollum lies panting and holding his throat. He backs away, frightened, as Frodo approaches him.

Frodo: "You know the way to Mordor?"

Gollum: as he nods warily "Yes..."

Shelby: "You've been there before?"

Gollum: as he nods again "Yes..." Frodo reaches out and takes the rope noose off Gollum's neck. Gollum seems surprised and relieved

Frodo: "You will lead us to the Black Gate" Gollum scrambles off in the direction of Morannon as we are follow in him to get to Mordor

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