Chapter 1 Journey through MORGUL VALLEY & Isengard

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Chapter 1:

Journey through MORGUL VALLEY & Isengard

Shelby POV:

As we're at the cliff that is near to Morgul Valley as Frodo and I been awake as I noticed the ring is hurting his neck as we can see the rash on his neck from the chains as Adam, Sam, Alekander and Lexie are still sleeping as I can hear Sméagol crawling as we saw him hanging upside down with peers us with gleaming eyes as he talk loud that woke Sam, Adam, Alekander and Lexie

Sméagol: "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, sleepies! We must go, yes, we must go at once!" Shake Sam to wake up as Sam look at Frodo

Sam: "Haven't you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo?"
Frodo shakes his head no "I've gone and had too much!" As Sam getting up along with Adam, Alekander and Lexie while look around the valley as we can see the dead, BROWN TWILIGHT, below the LOWERING CLOUD "It must be getting late"

Frodo: "No ... no it isn't. It isn't midday yet. The days are growing darker"

Shelby: "As it will keep if we don't destroy the ring and give Shannon time save Sauron" than we start felt The Ground suddenly Quivers, as a ROLLING, Rumbling Noise Echoes
down the Valley.

Sméagol: lCome on, must go, no time..."

Sam: "Not before Mr. Frodo's had something
to eat"

Adam: "He needs more energy before we go"

Sméagol: "No time to lose, sillies"

As Sam got his bag to get the Lembas Bread as he found the last one but we know Adam still has his bag of magical refill food bag as Sam hold one to Frodo

Sam: "Here" as he give it to Frodo

Frodo: "what about you guys"

As me, Adam, Alekander and Lexie didn't answer

Sam: "No I'm not hungry leastways, not for Lembas bread" as we can tell he's lying

Frodo: "Sam"

Sam: he confesses "Alright. We don't have that much left We have to be careful or we're going to run out. You go ahead eat that, Mister Frodo. I've rationed it. There should be enough" as that cause Frodo got confused

Frodo: "For what?"

Sam: "The journey home"

Shelby: "I won't say that Sam as Adam still has his bag the one my grandmother give him" remind them as they understand that than we start follow Sméagol while he leads us on the
winding, torturous path ... clambering through Bracken and over
Jagged Rocks.

Sméagol: "Come, Hobbitses and friends. Very close now. Very close to Mordor! No safe places here.Hurry"

Shannon POV

As I stayed at Edreas to help the wounds with the help from Lexia, Cassidy, Kirstin and Courtney as Gandalf, Aragon, Legolas, Theoden, Eomer and Gimli went to Isengard to where Merry and Pippin may be, I help making the elven medicine that I learned by Lord Elrond before I left Rivendell with others and I made sure the stable boys that fight at Helms Deep are cured as some of them didn't survive the battle as it break my heart to see that happen to them as I can't help worried about Sauron when he had to go back to Mordor so Morgoth won't notice about him being missing as I can see children playing as I love see children having joy see the war at Helms Deep is over but we are still in war as I don't help the wounds I walk outside as I start see the others came back with Merry and Pippin that came as well. For like hours later we have a feast of the war at the helms deep is over

Théoden: "Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" As we all raise our chalices up as we say Hail loud as anyone have a great time as I do notice Éowyn walk to Aragon with a chalice as I know she try win his love but he is loyal to Arwen

Èowyn: "Westu, Aragorn, hál 'Be-thou Aragorn well'" Aragorn takes the cup and drinks as Éowyn watches him with a radiant smile on her face. He gives it back and walks away. Théoden joins Éowyn and watches Aragorn leave.

Théoden: "I am happy for you. He is an honorable man"

Éowyn: "You are both honorable men"

Théoden: "It was not Théoden of Rohan who led our people to victory" as he can tell the confusion on her face "Don't listen to me. You are young and tonight is for you" as I walk to where Merry and Pippin be as I can see them on the table they like ask two of men pull me on the table

Merry: "come on Shannon sing with us"

I blush embarrassed

Shannon: "uh no I couldn't" Then Merry and Pippin ask anyone encouraging me do it as I give in "alright you two" I get up as we start dance and sing

Shannon, Merry & Pippin: "Oh, you can search far and wide
You can drink the whole town dry
You'll never find a beer so brown
But you'll never find a beer so brown
As the one we drink in our home town.
As the one we drink in our home town.
You can keep your fancy ales.
You can drink em by the flagon.
But the only brew for the brave and true
Comes from the Green Dragon!"

We drink our drinks as Pippin won

Pippin: "I won!"

I laugh when he did that as I try get down but I got help by Aragon to get down

Shannon; "thank you aragon"

Aragon smile while help me down

Aragon; "you're welcome"

As I can tell he be ask Gandalf if he sense if our friends are alright as I know they are alright and being alive but I know there's going happen

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