Chapter 3

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"I Fischl now declare you to be my humble servant!" "Fischl would you cut it out, I'm sorry about her Kazuha she's pretty weird" 'Scaramouche apologizing not something I'd think I'd hear' "Oh uh it's nothing I find it interesting how she's managed to hold onto this for so long" Kazuha was a little nervous he had never seen Scaramouche not look pissed off.
"Fischl! What do you want to eat we both know mom isn't gonna be back in time" "I see you finally realized how utterly amazing I am! also macaroni is nice but not the store brought kind I like the kind you make thanks"
'There's no way in hell I'm inviting Kazuha to join, but he looks so bored sitting there, why do I care I just met the guy, but I could use him for something like getting away from Ajax Signora and Dottore, what if he declines though that would be embarrassing'
"Hey uh Scaramouche can I help you perhaps? It's kinda boring sitting there on my phone" "Huh?! Oh uh sure why not I just gotta get the stuff" Kazuha smiled and nodded his head.
Scaramouche felt his cheeks getting hot and turned around 'This guy is weird I don't trust him for a bit'
Making the dough was easy jk Kazuha's hair was whiter than before and they both managed to get covered in flour. "Scara are you two okay?" "We'll be fine just do whatever it is you were doing alright?" Fischl sighed then turned around.
"Scaramouche what now?" "Geez just call
Me Scara you sound like a teacher, just put the pasta in the water now I'll melt the cheese" Kazuha smiled and nodded his head "And stop smiling all the time you look never-mind" Kazuha and Scaramouche shared a quick glance then turned around.
~And a time skip again 🥳~
"Thanks again for allowing us to come over" "Oh no problem I'm just happy Fischl made friends that understand her" Kazuha smiled and waved before leaving with his younger brother.
"I'll add another quarter" "Why? My bad luck seems to be going away" "Well then as your older brother i feel it is my duty to tell you you're wearing two different shoes and your shirt is inside out" "Aw dang it and here I thought today way gonna be a perfect day"
~time skip...again~
"Scara I heard you brought your boyfriend over last week and today" Scaramouche began to choke on his food due to his sisters comment "Are you okay? Do you need water?" "I'm fine mom thank you and he's not my boyfriend miss know it all he's some kid in my P.E class that just so happens to be Fischls friends brother" "Ah you forgot the part where he's your boyfriend" "Mona!" "Scaramouche!" "Alright enough you two" "Mona it's not polite to toy with your brother" "But mother he does it to me all the time all he says is my astrology things are stupid and a waste of time" "You're whining like a baby right now" "Scaramouche you're finished eating you have no reason to be here any longer go to your room" "What?! Why me!" "Go now" "Mother this isn't fair she started it" "Scaramouche go i don't care you hear it!" Scaramouche slammed his fist on the table and walked off
"This is why dad died it's all your fault you promised him you wouldn't leave!" Followed by a slammed door from Scaramouche it was all quiet. They never brought up their dad it hurt them too much especially Scaramouche. "I'll go talk to him" Fischl stood up and walked off.
She took and deep breath before opening his door. "Scara? It's me" "Get out" "Can't we just talk if your younger sister I don't like seeing you upset" "Then leave you won't have to see me" Fischl groaned "Fine but just know dad dying didn't only hurt you bringing him up really upset everyone else also I can tell you're crying you would've yelled at me ages ago"
Scaramouche rolled his eyes at his sisters comment. 'What does she know she could barely tie her own shoes when he died' Scaramouche left his room angry and confused"Scara can we talk?" "Leave me alone Mona go play with your astrology bullshit" Scaramouche put on his shoes then left it wasn't until he got halfway to his destination when he realized he left his phone.
'Sure I love that cat but if it runs away chasing a squirrel one more time I'm gonna go crazy' Kazuha continued to look around for Bennetts cat he didn't really want to but he knew how much his brother loved it. "You know maybe I can buy him a new one that's identical"
"I'm sure you know how it feels to loose someone right? Look at me talking to a damn cat how pathetic. Go shoo go back to your family"
"Scara? Are you crying?" Scaramouche looked behind him and groaned "I suppose you aren't gonna leave me alone without an answer?" Kazuha nodded his head and sat next to Scaramouche "Why're you even out here this late it's freezing" "I got into an argument with my mom and sister and brought up our dead dad I-I don't know why it just slipped out" "Scara-" "And it wasn't the same this time I was actually crying and Fischl even checked up on me and usually I'd hear my mother complaining about how she wishes I'd stop bring it up but this time it was just pure silence" Kazuha didn't have a clue on how to comfort the other male he got even more clueless when he began to cry. Kazuha stood up and took off his jacket "Come here" "Huh?" "Just come here" Scaramouche wiped his tears and stood up in front of Kazuha. Kazuha sighed then wrapped his jacket around Scaramouche then pulled him into a hug. "I'm not the best at comforting others when it comes to family problems and I know we just met but just know you can call me if you need someone to talk to I'm here okay?" Scaramouche didn't know what to do so he did what anyone would've done he held onto Kazuha and cried to his hearts desire. "Thank you Kazuha" Kazuha nodded his head "Come on I'll walk back to your house with you im not sure why you chose a lake anyway it's cold here are you didn't bring a jacket"
Kazuha grabbed Scaramouche' hand and started walking "What are you doing out here anyway?" "Looking for my brothers cat, I'm sure it ran home by now though"
Once they made it to Scaramouche' house he hesitated to open the door. "Kazuha I know this sounds weird like very weird but can I spend the night at your house?" "Your family will worry about you" "Yes or no I need to get my phone and clothes if you say yes so they'll see me" "Alright I guess it'll be good for you to get away for a while"

On a Starry Night{KazuScara}Where stories live. Discover now