Chapter 2

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After changing for P.E the students were told to line up to be partnered up. Scaramouche was partnered with some girl named Donna whilst Kazuha was partnered with Albert *
two of my least favorite npcs* "Huh?! No way am I behind this maniacs partner!" "Donna just deal with it please" "Nuh uh no way he'll probably try to kill me!" Scaramouche rolled his eyes 'Trust me you're the last thing I'd want to interact with' almost smiling at his own comment.
Kazuha mentally sighed "I'll switch with you Donna you can be Alberts partner" "Oh thank you Kazuha!" Kazuha only smiled 'To be completely honest I don't want to be near that creep he has a crush on a first year' "Well now that that's over everyone listen up, since summer break is coming up I want you and your parent to play one sport together then write a few sentences about it nothing much, but for now everyone is free to do whatever however it has to be in the gym with your partner" Watching the other students walk off Kazuha saw this opportunity as an absolute win. "So Scaramouche are there any sports you're into?" Scaramouche wanted to walk away while Kazuha wanted to befriend him. "Uhm I don't know Hockey perhaps" "Alright then we can try hockey although I don't know how to ice skate" 'Then why agree dumbass' "Oh uh my sister can teach you" "Oh well then that's solves our problem could I perhaps get your number during lunch" Scaramouche stared at Kazuha a little scared he wasn't sure why the male decided to be friendly towards him but he didn't like any second of it. "Sure I don't care" The rest of the period was spent by Kazuha trying to make small talk with Scaramouche.
Only after making it to lunch did Kazuha realize he had no idea of where to find Scaramouche. Scaramouche was quite happy with the place he decided to hide in as no one would expect him to be in the library of all places.
Scaramouche was sitting there quietly drifting off to sleep until he heard someone pull out a chair next to him and sit down. Scaramouche groaned before turning his head "What do you want, oh it's you. I'm guessing you're here for my number?" "Well yes but I can get it another time if you'd like" Scaramouche rolled his eyes before unlocking his phone and going to to the phone app. "Just hurry up I want to get some sleep before my next period" Scaramouche could see Kazuha look at him with a blank expression before putting in his number.

~Timeskip from to after school brought to you by Tomo~
"Come on Scara let me go to your house" "No fucking way my sisters are enough i don't need you there to annoy me too" "I'll just do my work there then leave I swear" "Look Ajax I-" Scaramouche's phone went off before he could finish his sentence.
"Mom? I thought you couldn't call during work" "Oh I didn't tell you? I got it off early well Amy "i do hope you mean Fischl mother!" Ahem Fischl invited her friend and one of his brothers over and I need you to come and stay with them while I go out a buy them snacks. Mona and Sara are both busy and you know how uhm Fischl gets with her experiments"   "Mom me watch Fischl and her friend? She's in eight grade why do I need to watch her?!" "I'm sorry I don't recall giving you a choice you're her older brother you need to spend more time with her" "Mom you ugh fine whatever" "Thank you now hurry I don't have much time"
"Oooo did someone get in trouble?" Scaramouche punched Ajax in his stomach "You should learn how to shut up" "It's Friday and you still have a shitty attitude?"

On a Starry Night{KazuScara}Where stories live. Discover now