Chapter 1 - Mom?

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Note: this chapter has not been proofread so please bear with me over any spelling mistakes

And now the story begins.......

In the darkened room, cold from the breeze that blew in through the open windows, the only source of light being a little torch that she held in her hands as she tiptoed around trying not to make a sound and alert the neighbors while she searched for any evidence of her deeds in Pragya's room.

But as she rummaged through the drawers and cupboards it seemed as though she was a robot simply moving on automatic as her thoughts were far from what she was doing, the tears running down her face did not seize to fall  as the events that occurred earlier flooded her mind

"How could you? How could you do such an evil thing?"

A shattered Pragya asked her, the disappointment and pain clear in her voice

"You evil child, I can't believe I believed you over my own daughter, she warned me about you but I didn't listen. Well now I see what you really are!"

" I hate you! I will never forgive you for this Rhea! Just get out of my sight and never come back! Don't ever come near my daughter again, if you do I will not hesitate to throw you in jail for the rest of your life!"

These words replayed over and over in Rhea's mind, each time getting louder and louder, cutting deeper with every echo. She couldn't take it, her heart wasn't strong enough to bear the pain, even the burning slap that she received from Pragya was nothing compared to those words.

But still here she was, trying to save herself again from the things she was guilty of. If this was it, if this was the last time she would ever get to see that woman who warmed her heart in a way that she couldn't explain, she could at least keep a piece of her right? A momento, a reminder so that she would never forget that feeling. With that thought Rhea changed the objective of her search, now she wanted to find a picture of pragya that she could keep close to her heart.

She searched and searched until she came upon a small box, buried under a bunch of old books and newspapers in pragya's wardrobe. "It was pretty well hidden in the darkened corner of the wardrobe so there must be something important in it right?" Rhea thought to herself as she dusted off the little box

Rhea : Damn, it needs a key to open

She looked around and browsed through the books to see if the key was hidden among them but alas, to her disappointment there was nothing. So she thought for a moment and came up with an idea, taking out the pin from her hair, she tried to open it using the pin and after a few attempts the little box finally opened

Rhea : YES!!!!

She exclaimed and quickly shushed her mouth remembering that she had broken in and if the neighbors heard her she would be in trouble.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down and the slowly Opened the box, in it were some jewellery, newspaper clippings, photographs and a few other little things. She took out the items one by one and looked at them in amusement, these things were clearly extremely private and personal belongings but strangely she did not feel like she was intruding. She took out what looked like necklaces in a bundle and looked at them

Rhea : wow, I didn't think of Ms Arora as much of a jewelry person.

She said with a feint smile on her face

However upon further inspection she noticed something

Rhea : wait. Aren't these........ nuptial chains? What where the called again?

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