Chapter 7 - Regrets

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Hey everyone, it's been a minute. I hope y'all are doing well, as for me, I'm great. This book has been giving me a hard time honestly, that's why I took so long to update it.....but I'm trying to beat that so here's a new chapter, I can't promise the next one will come soon...but I hope I can keep at it.


The story begins at the Police station, it's a busy day, different parts of the station are shown. From the front line counters where people come to file complaints, to the holding cells where suspects are detained, to the interrogation rooms where suspects are questioned....and finally the interview room for victims.


Here sitting on the sofa was a young lady, she appeared rattled and trembled as she narrated something to the detectives who sat quietly and listened to her. The young lady was accompanied by her father who sat next to her, holding her hand to give her the strength to speak. The poor man looked heartbroken and held back his tears and anger at seeing his babygirl in such a broken state.

Young lady : And then he-, I tried so hard, but I cou-, I Couldn't fight him off....I was too weak

She said with the utmost pain in her voice as she broke down crying. Her Father's anger peaked but he composed himself and asked with gritting teeth

Father : I swear you better catch this bastard first, because if I do... you'll find him in bloody pieces.

Detective Sharma : we understand your frustration sir, you have every right to be upset as a father, and believe me, we want him brought to justice just as much as you do. But.... please, leave this matter to the law.

The father calmed down a little as he did not want to make his daughter any more upset than she already was, so he quietly nodded in affirmation.

Detective Walia (Roshni) : I think we can end here for now. Thank you for coming, you're very brave

She said, giving a reassuring smile to the young lady.

Detective Sharma : you may take your leave now, and just for safe measure we think it would be best you left your hostels and stayed home with your father for the time being. We'll also have an officer outside your house.

The father and daughter rose to leave and thanked the detectives once more, shaking their hands as they reassured them that the criminal would be caught. After bidding their goodbyes, the father and daughter left.

Roshni looked on as they left. Her partner knew something was off and asked her.

Sharma : I know that look.....what is it?

Roshni sighed as she sat back down

Roshni : I can't get anything past you can I?

Sharma smiled and said

Sharma : You know you can't. Now spill, what's on your mind?

Roshni : this case, it's almost the same MO as one I came across a little while ago.

Sharma : the unreported one?

Roshni : yeah...... only this time, there was no one to save this poor girl.

Sharma : so you're saying....

Roshni : yeah.....we might have a serial rapist on the loose.

She said with a serious expression on her face, juxtaposed with the semi-horrified expression on her partners face.

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