Chapter 11 - Dazed

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Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing okay out there. Happy New year! This will be the first update of the year so I hope you all like it. Now without any further delay, let's get into the chapter!







Rhea's Car

The car slowed down as it's destination came in sight, the ride was even more awkward and silent following the dramatic incident that had occurred. A lot was going through Prachi's mind as she secretly glanced at Rhea every now and then, filled with swirls of emotions and playing back everything that happened in her mind as she tried to figure out what the heck was going on with her. what was she up to? try as she did, she could not figure out anything at least for now, but she knew one thing for sure, that something was off about her, she couldn't explain it....but she was just different somehow.

As they got closer to the house, Rhea turned to park behind a lorry on the side on the road so that they would be out of sight, In the same spot she parked last time she met Pragya. She was worried about how Pragya would react if she found out she was with Prachi, so much so that she felt a chill down her spine as she remembered the hot slap she had received from her some time back, her mother sure was scary when she was angry.

With the car finally parked, Prachi breathed a sigh of relief as she could finally get out of this unbearable situation. Rhea tried to gather the courage to say something to her, but before she could speak, Prachi reached for the door handle and opened it to get out, which completely took the wind out of Rhea's sails and she remained silent. However, just as Prachi was about to get out, she hesitated for a moment.....then looked over at Rhea who's gaze was lowered as she waited for her to get out.

Prachi : Thanks

she said in a monotone voice, much to Rhea's surprise and delight.

Rhea : oh, it's cool

she responded awkwardly, trying her best not to sound too excited.

Prachi simply nodded in response and then left, Rhea watched as she walked away before starting the car and driving off with a smile on her face.......thinking to herself that despite what a shitty day it had been, at least something good came out of it, that simple "thanks" from Prachi was a the first positive sign on her road to redemption, sure she had a long way to go, but at least now she knew she was on the right track.






Sarita's House

A worried Pragya paced back and forth in the living room, glancing at the door and her watch every few minutes as she anxiously waited for her daughter. She had tried to call her several times already and only got to her voicemail, and now night had fallen and she was still nowhere to be seen.

Sarita who had been sitting on the sofa the entire time watching Pragya sighed and massaged her temples.

Sarita : Beta can you please sit down, all this pacing is making me dizzy.

She requested to Pragya who stopped and looked at her

Pragya : (sighs) sorry, I'm just worried, she's usually back by now.

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