Chapter 10 - Revelations

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Hey everyone, it's been a while, I hope you're all doing well out there. I'm doing alright, busy but alright.... anyhow, let's get into the chapter now ey?


Sarita's House

Shahana had just finished explaining how exactly she came to know about Rhea's truth, and now there was complete silence in the room, such that you could literally hear a pin drop. Shahana's nervous and anxiety filled eyes darted back and forth between Pragya  and Sarita, trying to gauge what their reaction would be to the bombshell she just dropped on them.......a deep fear gripped her so tightly that she struggled to breathe.

She looked at Pragya, how would she react? Was she angry with her? Would she lash out at her? Rebuke her for daring to interfere in things that did not concern her? After all, she wasn't even her real daughter right? So what right did she even have to question her? These terrible thoughts all flashed through Shahana's mind as the regret began to sink in and she hung her head low.

Tears started falling from her eyes and she meekly muttered

"I'm sorry"

To her surprise, she felt a hand get gently placed over hers and the next thing that followed was a soft call of her name.


She slowly looked up, to meet Pragya's tear-filled eyes. She gently cupped her face.

Pragya : No beta, I'm sorry

Shahana was taken aback, why was she apologizing to her?

Pragya : I'm so sorry, you weren't supposed to find out like this. Please forgive must have been terribly shocking for you, I'm so sorry.

She said as the tears fell freely from her eyes now, Her heart broke as she saw the pain in her child's eyes. This child that the Almighty had brought to her to ease the pain of losing her own two, this happy bubbly little ray of sunshine that lit up her life for the last 15 years......and here today for the first, she saw that light dim, and it was once again due to that stupid mistake she had made 20 years ago, the Secrets that she had kept were once again hurting her children.

Sarita sensed that Pragya was struggling and placed her hand over her shoulder to give her the comfort and strength she needed to handle this situation now.

Pragya took a deep breath and composed herself, and looking into Shahana's expecting eyes, she spoke.

Pragya : I know you must have a lot of questions, and I will answer them all.....but first, Prachi-

Shahana : I haven't told her anything, I-

Pragya : I know you haven't, and we have to keep it that way, atleast until I figure out how to fix this mess.

Sarita : until WE figure it out Beta, you're not alone in this anymore.

She said to Pragya in a reassuring tone, Pragya smiled lightly at the gesture and nodded affirmatively.

Shahana : So.....Rhea?

She asked Pragya who sighed in response

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