Chapter 4 - Daughters

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Hey guys, I know it's been a minute and I've neglected this story for some time....but we're back in full swing now with chapter four.

Please let's talk in the comments or Dm me (my shy silent readers) on your thoughts on the story far and what you'd like to see❤️

And now the story continues......

Somewhere, in a bedroom

Rhea's heart raced and tears flowed endlessly down her cheeks as the vague memories of what happened the previous night slowly began to resurface. Gripping tightly on the blanket, she slowly looked underneath to see that she wasn't wearing any pants at all..... She trembled in fear and began hyperventilating as the shock consumed her, the air in the room feeling like it simply wasn't enough.

In the midst of her severe panic attack she heard the door's knob turn as it opened, and a young man walked in shirtless and drying his hair with a towel as he hummed a little jingle. Rhea screamed when she saw him and he too screamed when he saw her

she immediately went into fight mode and started throwing anything she could get her hands on at him as she cried out

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she immediately went into fight mode and started throwing anything she could get her hands on at him as she cried out

Rhea : (crying) what did you do to me?!!!!

Guy : (panicking) ouch! What? What are you-

Rhea : how could you- you bastard..... you'll pay for this I swear!

She cried desperately and continued the barrage of attacks on the young man who desperately tried to shield himself

Guy : No! Wait! You're misunderstanding! I'm not-

Rhea : (stuttering) You! r-r-raped me!

She cried out painfully, the guy was shocked at her statement and desperately tried to explain himself

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She cried out painfully, the guy was shocked at her statement and desperately tried to explain himself

Guy : No, no, no ,no! Please let me-

It was then that they both heard a loud voice shout "ENOUGH!"

They both turned to the direction of the voice, the guy who was already panicked gulped in fear as the colour drained from his face seeing this person.

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