Chapter 5 - Bridges

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Hello my dear readers, I know the updates for this book are slow but thank you nonetheless for sticking around for the story. I'd like to request that you comment more on the story, I'd really like some feedback and to know your thoughts and suggestions too.

Okay now back to the story


Pragya sat in the now parked car staring at the phone in shock, a million thoughts and emotions raced through her mind in that moment......what? what was she supposed to do now?

Meanwhile on the other side of the call was an equally shocked Abhi who was also very confused.....did he really just hear Pragya's voice? But how? His heart raced with a mixture of excitement, fear and joy as his eyes brimmed with tears.

Abhi : Fuggi? Is that really you?

He said softly, his voice cracking with emotion.

Pragya who was already in emotional turmoil started shedding silent tears of her own, "Fuggi" that name brought back all the memories of them that she had hidden away for so long, the moments they shared, their love, laughs....the bliss. For some reason in this moment all she could remember was the good.......but in the next second all of the bliss vanished as she heard a voice on the other side

On the Call

Abhi was anxiously waiting for a response when someone call him from behind....."Bhai"

He turned to see Aliyah who was walking towards him.

Aliyah : What are you still doing here? Vikram just called me saying that he's been waiting for you downstairs for the longest...... have you forgotten we're supposed to be finalizing the merger today?

She asked in a slightly irritated tone.

On the other side of the call pragya fumed with anger and rage upon hearing her....... that's when blissful illusion shattered to a thousand pieces. She remembered all the suffering she endured at the hands of Abhi and his so-called sister in the past, and all that Rhea had told her about Aliyah, reality finally striking her....she cut the call immediately.

The beep sound of the call being dropped go Abhi's attention

Abhi : Hello? Hello?

He asked desperately, hoping the person was still on the line, Making Aliyah who was observing him confused.

Aliyah : what's wrong? who was that? was it Rhea?

She asked the last bit a little nervously.

Abhi : uh, well..... it's, fu-

He was about to say when he stopped himself, thinking Aliyah was the last person to tell about such a thing..... what would he even say?

Aliyah : well?????

Abhi : it's nothing, just a wrong number.... anyway, let me know when Rhea comes back.

He said a quickly left from there, while Aliyah looked on.


Rhea's Car

Pragya tossed Rhea's phone into the backseat angrily, she was angry with herself for almost falling weak again for a moment there.

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