Chapter 12 -

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hey ya'll, it's been a minute but I'm back lol, albeit briefly. anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter, though it might be a short one this time.








Grove Mall

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon, the busy mall was teeming with life and the hustle and bustle of the starting weekend. It was filled with different people going about their day, couples holding hands and enjoying their dates, families with little kids running around and playing, artists playing their music for small crowds that gathered, and salespeople marketing their products to shoppers.

Nada's Place (restaurant)

The aroma of delicious food filled the air and paired beautifully with the calm and serene atmosphere of the restaurant, it was the polar opposite of the busy mall it was located within. The decor of the restaurant was classy but also gave a warm somewhat homey vibe, it was perfect for date nights, these were the thoughts that went through Tarun's mind as he looked around the place, while he held the menu in his hands and browsed with an interested look on his face. Sitting across from him with a vastly different demeanor was Neha, she was anxious and her tapping foot was a clear sign of it, plus her repeated and frequent glances at the entrance every few seconds.

Neha: what's taking her so long?

she complained with a hint of annoyance in her tone, Tarun let out a light chuckle and responded

Tarun: Patience darlin, we've only been here for five minutes, and besides, we got here early remember? So she'll be right on time.

He said in an attempt to calm her, but she was still nervous.

Neha: Okay, but what if...what if she says she can't do it? or what if they're not the right fit?

Tarun: hey, no, don't do that okay? remember Vihaan gave us his word that they're good.

Neha: Yeah, but V is a stoner, anything edible is good to him.

They both laughed a little at the statement

Tarun held her hand and gazed at her with those beautiful piercing eyes of his that always melted her worry away.

Tarun: Everything will be fine, I promise

he said in the softest and most loving tone.

Neha smiled and looked at him with so much love in her eyes, this man could still make her heart flutter and her worry melt away even after twenty years.

It was then that they heard a voice ask them "Mr and Mrs Singh?"

They looked over to see a young lady staring at them with an inquisitive look on her face.

Neha: Oh, sorry we're not ready to order yet, we're waiting for-

Lady: Oh no, I don't work here...I'm the person you were waiting for, from the catering company.

she corrected with a warm smile, Tarun and Neha were confused and looked at each other. Tarun whispered to Neha "I thought Vihaan said she was elderly?", Neha responded, "he did". Their whispering was not as subtle as they thought it was and the lady heard them, so she chimed in.

Lady: That's my grandmother, Ms Sarita Arora. She had a medical emergency so I came in her stead, I'm Prachi Arora.

Neha: Oh my gosh, we're so sorry to hear she alright?

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