Chapter 9 - Secrets

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Hey guys, sorry for the long silence.... I'm back with an update now, enjoy ❤️.


This chapter has not been fully proofread, so please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors you may find.


Sarita's House

As the pouring rain got heavier and heavier outside, the warm cozy home felt like a soft hug on a chilly day. The sweet aroma of Sarita's cooking filled the air and the sound of her humming a little tune accompanied it beautifully.

Helping her in the kitchen was Shahana whose demeanor could not be more different from that of her Co-chef, she seemed distracted and distant, barely speaking unless she was spoken to.

As per Sarita's instructions she was chopping some vegetables, but in her distracted state she accidentally cut herself and winced In pain, alarming Sarita.

Sarita : Shahu! what is this now?

She exclaimed in concern as she quickly left what she was doing to tend to Shahana's wound.

Sarita : Shahu? What's going on beta? You've been distracted all day and now look.

She scolded with worry as she cleaned the blood off with a kitchen towel.

Shahana : sorry

She said in almost a whisper, sounding as though she was on the verge of tears, which made Sarita worry even more.

Sarita : Acha, don't cry na.... I'm not angry with you.... I'm just worried. Come, let's go and sit down so I can dress your wound properly, this is quite a deep cut you know.

She turned off the stove an set aside the pots before returning to Shahana and talking her to the living room where they kept the first aid kit.

Upon getting to the living room she sat Shahana down on the sofa and took out the first aid kit and began dressing the wound properly.

Sarita : Shahana, I've noticed you have been like this for a while now.....tell me child, what is the matter? Tell me, is someone bothering you? Is it a boy? I swear I will not leave them

She asked in a serious tone

Shahana knew that when Sarita spoke like that, she meant business.....she hesitated, unsure whether to tell her truth or not...she was scared.

Shahana : Nani, woh-

She was interrupted by the sound of the front door's doorknob turning open, they looked in it's direction and saw a Pragya coming in. She shook her wet umbrella at the threshold of the door and took off her muddy slippers, setting them aside.

Sarita : And where did you disappear to all of a sudden? I've been trying to reach you all day beta, you really worried me.

She asked Pragya who came there and touched her feet before sitting down with an exhausted sigh.

Pragya : Maa, I just got here na... I'm beat.

She said as she took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes.

Sarita : You girls don't tell me anything anymore, first it's this one and now you too.

Shahana gulped in fear as she realized she hadn't completely escaped the questions, knowing that if Pragya joined the interrogation too it was certainly over for her.

Pragya who hadn't registered anything yet mentally finally realized the scene before her....the bloody bandage's on the table and Shahana's Bandage hand. She was alarmed and her momma bear instincts kicked in.

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