Chapter 2 - Rage

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The fading sound of the the officers voice on pragya's phone was the only sound you could hear in the room as it fell from her hands and onto the ground along with her handbag in that moment. Her mind plagued with horror and confusion as that word echoed in her ear, "mom" she said, "mom", that was what rhea had called her just now, she was frozen in her place, her mind formed a sentence but her lips could not utter it. it was as though her own body was betraying her and those damn tears that always rolled down when they shouldn't have made their way down her cheeks.

During this entire time not once did she look away, not once did  their gaze move from each other. one who's eyes were brimming with falling tears and the other who's eyes were so bloodshot they could cry no more, each of them searching for something in the other's eyes. "could it be"? the mother asked herself too afraid of the answer, and "tell me it is", the daughter begged from within also too afraid to speak aloud. The big black clock hanging on the wall  ticked away for what felt like and eternity of ice cold silence that held the room hostage, with a war of questions still raging in her mind, pragya finally gathered the strength to speak

Pragya : what did you just call me?

she asked with coldly with the utmost seriousness in her tone

rhea not breaking the eye contact could see the shift of the look in her eyes from shock to untamed rage, she rose to her feet and responded with a seriousness of her own

Rhea : Mom

this response made pragya furious and she angrily asked

Pragya : who the hell do you think you are?.....huh? after everything you've done you're not satisfied? after all the pain you've caused  my family, my're going to take it a step further by preying on the pain of losing my other daughter? trying to use my fondness of you because I said you reminded me of her? 

rhea wanted to explain herself but the fear of seeing pragya's rage and anger stopped her from speaking, she couldn't believe that sweet and gentle lady had this terrifying side to her, even when she found out about all she had done towards prachi her anger did not burn this fiercely and she could still see the care in her eyes for her, but this time was completely different.

pragya marched towards a frightened rhea and slapped her with so much force that she fell to the ground and bled from the mouth. pragya's chest heaved like that of a bull about to charge as she stared down at rhea. rhea remained silent and didn't even hold her cheek that was still burning in pain from the dangerous slap she just received, the tears that had dried up now flowed like a river down to the ground she was facing, together with the blood that was oozing from her mouth. her hand trembling from fear, but not from pragya's anger or being slapped, no, the feared that made her tremble in her bones was the thought  of seeing her mother's hatred for her, now really seeing the extent of the damage she had done which she couldn't fix. but her train of thought came to a halt when pragya shouted

Pragya : GET UP!!

so rhea gathered her strength despite the trembling in her bones and slowly rose to her feet again, but this time without looking in pragya in the eyes and keeping her head down facing the ground. This annoyed pragya who just saw it as rhea pretending to be sorry in on order to get pity from her so she grabbed her arms tightly and spoke with a chilling calmness in her voice

Pragya : Look at me

but rhea did not lift her head or speak, making pragya's anger skyrocket and she shook her violently while shouting


she roared making an already terrified rhea tearfully look her in the eyes. a part of pragya could not bare to see the pain and fear in her eyes but this time she ignored it and went on

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