Chapter 6 - Pain

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Hey y'all, hope you're all doing groovy, I'm okay..... just been busy. Anyhow, thanks for sticking around and patiently waiting for the new update of this little story❤️. Now let's get back to it!

Oh, and happy new year ❤️


A week had gone by and it was finally time for Prachi to be discharged from the hospital, everyone was elated that she was finally coming home after what felt like a year of being bound to a hospital bed. The most relieved was Pragya who stood at the door of Prachi's hospital room looking at the youngsters who were eagerly packing up her stuff and chatting, with a smile of gratitude on her face that at least the storm had past and everything will be back to normal.....for now at least. They finished packing and made their way out of the hospital, getting into Ranbir's car because he had insisted they he'd drop them off...... something that did not please Pragya at all, but she caved for the sake of peace for her daughter.

As they drove off, a little away from them was a car that was following them, it was at a distance far enough that they didn't really notice.


Sarita's House

The door opened and the dark and cold house felt like a home again as the chatting and chipper voices of the youngsters as they approached it filled it with energy and life. But just before Prachi could cross the threshold of the door....a loud voice shouted "STOP", it was so sudden that it frightened everyone who turned to look in the direction it came from, and soon their fright turned into relief sighs as a happy Sarita came from the kitchen with a welcome plate and approached Prachi.

Sarita : You didn't think I'd just let you come in like that without a proper welcome did you?

Prachi smiled and nodded no, but an impatient Shahana who didn't really care for such things grumbled underneath her breath....

Shahana : Seriously, so old fashioned

Her comment did not go unheard as Sarita casted her a deadly glare which made her gulp in fear.....much to the amusement of Aryan who loved seeing brave Shahana flustered and let out a stifled giggle.

Sarita : Mxxxm, don't mind this silly girl my dear......let me bless you

She said and proceeded with the ritual. Then after it was done she hugged Prachi and said...

Sarita : now you can come in beta, welcome home.

With that they all made their way to the living room to sit down, but pragya stopped halfway, saying she forgot something in Ranbir's car....the latter handed over the keys and she left from there.



Here Pragya came out and closed the door behind her.....after doing so, she looked around carefully in a suspicious manner as though she was making sure nobody inside or around was watching her....then she walked off, past Ranbir's car which she was supposedly going to.

Now in a few houses down the street, parallel parked between two vans was the car that had been following them earlier. The driver peeped through their rearview mirror at Sarita's House, the reflection of their eyes in the mirror showing a range of emotions.

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