Chapter 12 - Chronos Rage

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Chronos (to ayumi): Guess the play time is finally over. GROUND RUPTURE!!

Narrator: Chronos packed a punch full of his shakti 'Earthquake' in his right hand and then punched at the ground, which caused a ground rupture to appear.

Narrator: Chronos packed a punch full of his shakti 'Earthquake' in his right hand and then punched at the ground, which caused a ground rupture to appear

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Ayumi (in a confused state): Damn it...

Narrator: Ayumi didn't have any time to react, and neither did stopping the time would have made any difference in this situation.

The ground was shattered into several pieces after Chronos punched it. Ayumi was also badly hurt by it.

The distance between Chronos and Ayumi was now 8 meters.

Ayumi (to chronos): "STOP!!"

Narrator: Ayumi stopped the time for Chronos and then ran towards him with his own black sword in her hands, but while she was running, the ground again started to rupture without Chronos doing a thing.

Ayumi (in a confused state): Again!! I thought it ended.

Narrator: The 5 seconds of Ayumi stopping the time of Chronos were up now. And Ayumi was more badly hurt after the second ground rupture and was lying on the ground.

Chronos: You thought it ended, didn't you?? Hahahahahaha!!

Narrator: Chronos picked up his black sword, which was lying on the ground.
He then proceeded to infuse his shakti into the sword and then swing it where Ayumi was lying. 

Ayumi barely avoided the shock waves hitting her. She was only able to avoid it because she saw the future.


Narrator: Ayumi was trying hard to stand up after the second ground rupture hit her, but before she could stand up, Chronos instantly ran towards her and punched at her face.

Ayumi ended up landing on the ground, 15 feet away.

Ayumi (in her mind): Even if I can see the future, I don't have the power to do anything now.

Narrator: Chronos then slowly proceeded to walk, where Ayumi ended up lying. Chronos eyes were filled with anger. He looked like a lion who was about to devour his prey.

Chronos: You can stop the time. You can see the future. What a useful and powerful shakti you have. But sometimes, even if you can see the future, you just can't do anything about it.

Narrator: Then Chronos stood before Ayumi, who was lying almost unconscious on the ground.

Chronos: Guess its finally.. finally... over. Now finally die...

Narrator: Chronos took out his black sword and was about to stab Ayumi, but before he could stab her, Livon miraculously entered the scene and ran towards Chronos. 

Livon (to chronos): FIREBALL!!

Chronos (with a surprised face): Huh. One last try, I see.

Narrator: Chronos easily avoided the fireball from Livon and then, in return, slashed him with his black sword at his chest.

Both Livon and Ayumi lied before Chronos feet.

Chronos (to ayumi): Some disturbances happened. I am sorry about that. We shall continue.

Narrator: Suddenly, Livón grabbed Chronos feet.

Chronos (to livon): What the hell is this? Do you still want to continue? 

Livon (pleading to Chronos): Why don't you leave her? I was the one who wanted to fight you. Kill me, not her.

Chronos: Hahahahahaha!!!! You want me to save her! And kill you. Tell me, why should I do that? Huh?? You wanted to fight me and kill me because I killed your parents; that's absolutely fair enough. But why should I ever leave her?

Why did she end by attacking me? Did I harm her? No!. Did I do something to her parents or loved ones? No!. Then why the hell did she end by attacking me?? Ohh yes!! Now I remember because I am a member of Dushyanta. Is that the sole reason? Huh?? You guys are the so-called "Elite Soliders,"  huh? It's your duty to protect the citizens and fight evil. Am I right? I was just casually staying on the outskirts of the country, but you people had to come with rubbish and a foolish helping hand.
So me being an EVIL, now it's my duty to eradicate anyone who comes into my path.

Narrator: Chronos kicked Livon in the face and ended up throwing him far away.

Chronos (to ayumi): Now it's finally time for you to die... Let me see who I can come and save you this time.

Narrator: Chronos, one last time, took out his black sword. He was going to stab Ayumi from the front.

Ayumi (in her mind): This is the end... Thank you, father and mother. I love you...

Narrator: Chronos was going to stab Ayumi, but the moment he could stab her, someone with the blazing speed of light came and stopped the sword with his bare legs.

Miyuki (to chronos): You can't do this. I won't let you. She is one of my students, you know.

Chronos (to miyuki): Ahh!! I sense a strong shakti user.

Narrator: Before Chronos could do anything to Miyuki, flowers started to bend his hands.

Chronos: What the hell? What are these flowers??

Narrator: Suddenly, all the members of Group 3 arrived at the scene. [Hinaka, Nova, Kiyomi]

Hinaka came flying, and others followed him.

Kiyomi (to chronos): Ohh! Don't worry about these flowers. It's my ability, you see. I have 'Flowers' Shakti element. Now just stay there for a while, so we can take care of other things till then.

Narrator: Now shifting the scene to Suzune, who left Group 1 [Noriko,  Raiden] in order to search for a particular tree.

Suzune had finally found the tree she was looking for. She was looking for the tallest tree in the entire Rimsor Forest. She climbed the tree and reached the top with the help of her 'Wire' shakti element.

Suzune (while sitting at the top of the tree): There I go.

Narrator: Suzune got shocked upon seeing the destruction that had been caused to the forest. While she was seeing the forest, she saw Baker, who was wandering alone in the forest.

Suzune quickly climbed down the forest and reached Baker.

Suzune (to baker): Here you are. What are you doing alone in the forest? Where did your group go? And what's with these blueberries?

Baker (with joy on his face): Thank you! Thank you so much, Suzune. You found me. I am so glad. I was lost in the forest because I went to find some food for my group, but by the time I found some blueberries, I was already lost. By the way, tell me, Suzune, how did you know that I was here?

Suzune: I sensed your shakti; that's why I was able to come. You were using your 'Gas' element to fly, weren't you?

Baker: Yeah, I sure was using it.

Narrator: Suddenly, the bushes near Suzune and Baker started moving.

Suzune (to baker): What is that?!

Baker: Is someone coming over here??

Narrator: A person with tattoos on his arm came out of the bush and stood before Suzune and Baker. The name of that person was Ginto.

Suzune (to ginto): Who the hell are you?? What are you doing in this forest?

Ginto (to suzune): I am looking for my comrade.

Suzune: And who might that comrade be?

Ginto- I am sorry. I can't tell you that. It will be beneficial for all of us here.


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