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She watched how Nyck and Ace drove away. They dropped them at the airport and Ace didn't even got out to say goodbye. She turned to Zoey. "You have to go!" Zoey looked at her confusingly. "Wait what?! Your not coming with me?" Madelyn shook her head. "But Mads! I have to go because it's to dangerous but you'll stay?!" Madelyn hugged her. "I'll wil be fine, now please get out of here." She placed a kis on Zoey her cheek and got in a taxi. She grabbed her phone to track Ace his phone. A half hour later she arrived at his location, she paid the taxi and waited for it to leave. She looked around it was a old industry building.  "How fun, in movies this is never a good sign." She said to herself. She walked to the door and got in he heard screams out of pain from far away and started running towards the sounds, they became louder and louder and suddenly she stood before a door. She opened it carefully and looked inside. She saw Ace side up with his hands above his head and Nyck next to him. She also saw her father and Ace his father. Ace his father had a baseball bat and walked towards Ace. "Tell us!" Ace shook his head and the baseball bat hit his stomach. He spit out some blood on his father. She saw that Nyck wasn't conscious anymore. He didn't look so good. "Where is it!?" Madelyn father asked. Ace shook his head again. And got hit again by his father. She saw hoe her father pulled his gun and pointed it against Ace his forehead. "Tell us where our drugs are, we know you stool them!" Thats wasn't good, Madelyn knew how her fathers Mafia worked. And it was mostly drugs, without is he was doomed. She saw how her father made ready to shoot. She push the door fully open and ran in. "Don't shoot him!" She stopped when she stood between Ace and the man. Ace his eyes shut open. "Look at this, your daughter came and joined the party Theodore." The father from Ace said. "I have eyes of my own Henrick." "Grap her!" Two man al of the sudden grabbed her and tied her to a chair. Henrick (Ace his father) walked towards her with the baseball bat. Ace started moving trying to get him self lose. He spit out even more blood. Henrick lifted to bat and fully hit her in her stomach. He dropped it and started punching her. "STOP!!" Ace screamed. "I'll tell you! Just stop hurting her!" "Well we're waiting." Theodore said (father of Madelyn). "The harbor." Henrick smile and grabbed a gun, he placed it against Madelyn's head. "Make him lose, and let him and Nyck go. We'll keep her." Two man cut them lose. Ace wanted to step forward but then remembered the gun. Henrick smiled. "Don't try anything or she dies!" They were escorted outside. Madelyn stayed behind with her father and Ace his father. "So your the girl of my Ayden. What a bad tast does that boy have." Theodore gave Henrick a angry look. "You might come very handy to me." He took the gun from her head and shot her father trough his head. "Omg!" Before she knew it the gun was back on her forehead. "Your mine now, if you try anything or don't do as asked you'll die, onderstand?" She nodded. Two man helped her up and walked her towards a car. They put her in and drove away.

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