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It was three days later and Zoey was send home, Ace made sure she was on the plane this time. They got there stuff and left for the harbor. Is was very quiet in het car. Ace hadden really said much or done much those three day. He went walking with Boots a lot more times then necessary. When they got there Theodore was already waiting for them. They already had the sea container with the drugs. But didn't open it yet. "Stop walking!" Henrick put a gun against Madelyn her head. She looked bad, cuts and bruises everywhere and just starred to the ground. Ace stoppen immediately. He lifted his hands in the air. Before he could do anything one of Henrick's man had taken Nyck and put a gun to his head to. "Choose!" Henrick said with a grin on his face. "Choose who will die!" Ace looked from Nyck to Madelyn and back. He grabbed his gun and held it to his head. "If you kill them I'll shoot!" Henrick started laughing what made Madelyn krimp in. "Did you try to open that sea container yet?" Henrick looked at someone and that person tried to open it. "Uhm sir there is a code." Henrick looked at his son. "Try something. We will get it we don't need you!" "But sir its a ten digit code." Henrick gave Ace a angry look. "I'm the only one who know the code." Ace said. All of the sudden there where two gun shots. Henrick was shot in his leg and the man behind Nyck was death. When Henrick let go of Madelyn she collapse. Nyck ran to her and picket her up. Behind Ace there where two more people of his Mafia, the two who just fired the shots. One girl named Violet. And a man named Sam. They opened the car and helped Madelyn and Nyck get in. Ace looked at his father. "0123456789." He said and then got in his own car. He drove away fast and the rest followed. All if the sudden there was a loud explosion, Nyck turned around and saw how the sea container went up in flames. He sat back and looked at Madelyn who didn't move or anything.

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