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Ace drove him and Nyck home. He helped Nyck to the couch and walked to the kitchen. He tried to grab a glas but accidentally dropped it. "Fuck!" He the plank where everything stud on and ripped it off the wall what caused all the glasses to fall to the ground and brake in a million pieces. Ace dropped to his knees with his face in his hands. Nyck walked in and got down next to Ace. He laid his arm in Ace his back. "Let's get you to the couch, i will clean this shit." Ace pushed Nyck his arm away. "You need to rest!" He said. "You to! Lets do it together." They cleaned everything and sat down on the couch. "I lost her...i did everything, i tried to keep her safe but...i lost her..." the door bell rang and Ace jumped up. He grabbed his gun and walked towards the door, Nyck followed with his gun. Ace opened the door a bit and Zoey pushed it fully open. "Where is she?!" She looked behind them and then looked at them, the first thing she saw where the guns, than she saw how bad they looked. Ace walked back to the couch and Nyck followed. Zoey closed the door and walked to the living room. "Where is she?!" Ace looked away. "I have to tell it again?" Nyck looked at Ace, who didn't respond. "Great, uhmm... how am i going to do this? Wel she is not here obviously." Zoey became irritated. "Wel where is she!? I don't care where isn't i want to know where she is!!" "Wel we don't know where, but we do know with who!" "FOR GOD SHAKE NYCK WHERE IS SHE?!" "She's with Ace his father..." Zoey didn't know what to respond. "Is that a bad thing?" Nyck looked at Ace who still looked at the wall. "Wel yea soort off." Zoey stoot up and walked towards Ace. "You tell me i want to hear out off you mouth how bad it is." He looked up at her with swollen red eyes. "He is the Mafia leader of the Reapers..." Zoey sat down. She looked at Nyck with fear in her eyes. "I have people watching his every move, he will go to the harbor in three days, and we wil surprise him there." Zoey tried to make eye contact with him but it was no use. Boots ran in and jumped on Ace his lap. "Hey buddy." He started petting him. He started licking the blood that had dried into his clothes. "Don't do that." He placed him back on ground. "I am going to change in some different clothes." He stoot up and walked out. "Don't be so hard on him, it's not his fault, and he already blames hisself." Nyck said to Zoey. "Did you do something to safe her?!" "He couldn't, they held a gun to her head if he had done anything she would be death, he stopt them for beating her by giving up the info they wanted." Zoey looked at him and tears started rolling down her cheeks. "She's going to be fine right!" She asked with a soft voice. "He will move heaven and earth to make sure of it." Nyck stood up. "Where you going?" Zoey asked. "I'm going to make sure he's not destroying the whole house, because if you want to drink something wel...good luck because there are no glasses anymore." He walked upstairs. Where he found Ace on the ground holding one of her hoodies. His back was turned to him. He sat down next to him. Ace turned to him with tears rolling down his cheeks. Which got Nyck of gard. He couldn't remember what the last time was he saw him crying. "I fucked it up!" He said.

Nyck didn't know what to do, Zoey sat down on the other side to Ace

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Nyck didn't know what to do, Zoey sat down on the other side to Ace. "It's going to be fine, i know Mads and she'll be okay!" Zoey said. Nyck looked at her thankfully. She nodded back. "But what if she won't be okay, what if my father wil kill her, than it will be my fault! I will have killed her." Boots walked in and sat down in front of Ace. Zoey looked at Nyck for help. "Mate, we both know you father, he won't kill her as long as she's of value to him. And as long as your alive she's of value to him!" "Just leave me alone!!" Ace suddenly shouted. Nyck and Zoey jumped up en left the room. Ace got in the bed on Madelyn her side and Boots joined him.

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