Chapter 33|||christmas day

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Hello everyone! I loved writting this one i thing its pretty cute:) OH AND small TW:Has some lets say neck interactions but just a little bit just saying it if you are sensitive to this kind of touch its nothing really :)    hope you enjoy <3

Y/n's Pov

I slowly opened up my eyes and sat up following from a big yawn, "Man what time is it." i said with a low tone. I looked next to me just to see my precious white haired boyfriend sleeping peacefully. A soft smile curved to my lips, i stroke my hand in his hair and fell down again cuddling in his body. 'Mmmm so warm' i thought and shoved my face into his oh so well trainned abbs. I always love Killua's smell its so calm and gives me the heck out of butterflies.

"Are you smelling my abbs?" I heard a handsome voice asking while chuckling, my face got so red i couldn't breath 'oh wait im a top' i remembered "But ofcourse im, you smell so damn nice." i said and got on top of him. Hah his face is even redder than mine "Let me smell you more." i chuckled and shoved my face in his neck contiuning on absorbing his wonderfull sent. "Someone is clingy today, you went from an ultimate top to a sumbissive kitten in like 2 seconds."  he said wrapping his tough arms around me and turing me around cuddling me sweetly.

I can't believe we just turned a sexy seen into a cute cuddling one just like that, oh the power couple we are. "Y/n." he said "yes." i replied 

"its christmas."


"WHAT." i screamed and got up in a hurry, "pfft- hahahahaha" Killua laughed at my sttupid reaction, "that was so cute." he said smirking. I hit his forehead "cut it out idiot, its christmas! Get up. We can light up fire and play in the snow and make hot chocolate and.." Killua cut my rumping off my shoving his hand into my mouth "Or we could have se-" 

"idiot!" i cut him off by hitting him again, im violent today.

"Ouch! I was joking. Well, half joking but still ouch!" He said giving me a cute pout. "Come on Y/n, you hit me now you have to take care of me." He said opening his arms for a hug. I shoved myself into his arms, can't resist.

"So hot chocolate first?" he asked looking directly at my face under the warm sheets "Yes" i said smilling softly. "Alright m'lady." he gave me a peck in the nose and picked me up in bridal style.

"Ahh!" i got startled from the sudden movement and held tight, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Sit here princezin, i shall bring your hot choco in just a moment." he let me down to our couch while bowing, the he proceeded to our kitchen.

Killua's pov

So i got her a gift, i want to put it into the hot chocolate like a suprise but i feel like it will ruin it a bit. Screw it i need to make the choco shit first. 

I reached to cabinet and grabbed the hot chocolate powder, i let it sit onto the counter and then walked up to the fridge and got some milk. I warmed the milk and put the powder inside two different muggs. I then poured the milk and started mixing the powder with the milk.

"done" i said and gave a cheeky smile to myself, now for the gift.

Its a necklace i bought from stealing some money from Illumi, he is so dumb, or, im just sneaky as f2ck. Probably both.

Anyways, 'i need a plastic bag' i thought and then started looking for plastic bag to put the gift into. 

"hah there you are." i put the gift into it and the put the whole thing into Y/n's mug.

Damn imagine her choking, why is it cute? Everything she does is cute. I guess chocking wouldn't be cute. Tf ami saying?

I shook my head and walked into the living gazing at my beatiful girlfriend laying in our couch, ugh i can't help but get these stupid butterflies. If i didn't have these stupid muggs i would run up to her and give her a huge kiss showing all my affection.

I walked up to her and gave her a mug.

"Thanks she said and smiled." she lowered her head to drink and then i realised that im a 100% idiot.

i didn't just give her the wrong mug-


"Y/n no!' i yelled pointing not to drink it "huh?" she looked at me confused "uhh thats too hot, here you can have mine." i said sweating "Its ok Kil i got it" she smiled and went again for drink "NO!" I yelled again stratling her "i almost SPILLED IT!" She said annoyed "Here have mine please." I said again "fine worrywrat." she chuckled and took my mug.

Y/n's Pov

I took Killua's mug and went for a sip when i felt a kind of plastic touching my lip, 'huh' i thought confused. I turned to Killua and he was red and smirking, 'what did he do?" i raised an eyebrow at him and pulled out the plastic, i then saw a long case into it.

'Did he get me a gift?' i thought and my eyes teared up. "Kil." i said. 

I opened the plastic bag and took out the case opening it just to find a gorgeous necklace. 

"Oh my Kil this is so beatiful." It had my f/f (favourite flower) on it and behind curved 

'i love you -k'

"Killua thank you so much!" i let the mug down and went for a tight hug. He put his mug down and wrapped his arms around me, "Everything for my beloved girlfriend." he smiled and held me tighter.

"Want me to put it on you?" i nodded and he procceded to put to put it on my neck while slowly planting soft kissed on the back of my neck and the contiuning finding my sweet spots "Ah, Killua" i said quetly enjoying his soft lips.

"I love you." He kissed my forehead and fell on top of me cuddling me.

"Pfft love you more" I smiled and put my face into his chest

Im so damn lucky to have this perfect boy.

YES YES YES YES. HERE YOU GO. I felt so good writting this one. Its been really hard for me this couple of months and coming back here and writting made me feel extreamly happy. Like a lot. So i hope you enjoyed this one cause i verymuch did.


bye bye <3

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