Wallpaper for my gf 💕 (& storytime!)

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Again, I'm gonna put the story first so that there's more of a chance that people will read it. I promise, it's a really cute story (it's about M)! :)

Yesterday morning I asked O and M if they wanted to hang out and / or have a sleepover, and they said yes (although we didn't end up having a sleepover because of COVID). So O and I got hot chocolate and talked, waiting 3 hours for M to get to O's house.
When M finally got there, they handed me a gift. I opened it later, and they got me sour gummies and an amethyst bracelet. This is the bracelet ⬇️

Needless to say, I'm going to wear it every day :)Anyways, once we were all sitting in M's room, we just chatted for a while

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Needless to say, I'm going to wear it every day :)
Anyways, once we were all sitting in M's room, we just chatted for a while. M eventually put on O's VR headset and did the virtual roller coasters, so O and I took funny videos of them. I did the roller coasters after M, and they took funny videos of me on my phone which i actually haven't watched yet. I'm gonna do that now.
Aabshhdsjhdsjhdswfsfhw in the videos M is so cute omg 😭
Half the time they're recording they turn the camera towards a mirror and record themself it's adorable-
Anyways, back to the story.
We ate dinner, and then we went to a lake where there were lots of string light decorations.
when we got in the car, M and I got to sit right next to each other. Our shoulders and thighs were touching the whole time, and it was really comforting in a way.
O put on music, and we were singing along to it. I looked over at M, and I really wanted to hold their hand.
After a little while, I noticed their hand resting on their leg and lightly touching mine, so I put my hand on my own leg so that our hands were brushing against each other. I eventually got brave enough to slightly rub their hand with my pinky finger as a sign that I wanted to hold their hand.
They did the same thing, and for a while we were just sitting there, neither of us grabbing the other's hand.
Then they sorta moved their hand away just a little and I think they thought I wasn't actually wanting to hold their hand, so I turned my hand so that my palm was facing upwards. They rested their hand against mine again, and hesitantly reached their pinky finger up my hand so that we were almost holding hands but not quite. At that point I just slid my hand fully under theirs and intertwined our fingers.
We sat holding hands for the rest of the car ride there :)
Once we got there, O's parents went a different way so we could walk just the three of us.
I was pretty cold, especially my fingers since M had taken their hand away when we got out of the car. I really wanted to hold their hand again.
But we just walked, talking about the lights.
We got to a spot where there was thick ice on the lake near the shore, so we stood on it and found small slippery patches to slide on. But there were only two slippery patches, and M couldn't find another one, so I grabbed their hand and pulled them onto mine. O took a video and I wish I could show it, but I don't think M would be comfortable with that, and also that'd mean I'd have to post it on YouTube first.
We kept walking, and sadly M did not hold my hand again even though I was lightly brushing their hand with mine as a signal.
We got to a spot where there were 3 hanging square platforms, and O took pictures of M and I sitting on one together. I wish I could show the pictures, but again, I'll respect M's privacy.
After that we made noises at the tree with sound-controlled lights around it, and we were going to get hot chocolate but there was a long line that we didn't feel like waiting in.
We went through tunnels of string lights, and then after that I brushed M's hand with my own again and they finally got the message.
I can't tell you how amazing it feels for someone to reach out and take your hand in a romantic way. It's exhilarating, and it melted my heart. Just the way they wrapped their fingers between mine and held my hand as we walked made me the happiest I've been in a while.
Normally they're just the tiniest bit taller than me (although I'd never admit it to their face), but I was wearing tall boots at the time so I was taller than them and I was trying my best to keep our arms at the same height.
As we walked I spotted a straight adult couple holding hands, and smiled because M and I were the token lesbian couple holding hands. I was secretly hoping the strangers walking behind us would see us and whisper to each other about cute queer kid couples.
Also, the entire time we were walking and holding hands, O was walking on M's other side. It kinda reminded me of when O and I used to hold hands, but that relationship didn't work out and now we're just best friends, so I tried to forget about it and focus on M. The person who at this exact moment wanted and chose to hold my hand. The person  who loves me and who I love back. (Btw there's no hard feelings between O and I now, and we often joke about how we used to date each other which annoys her boyfriend.)
Eventually we saw O's parents back at the car, and M stopped holding my hand once we got near them.
We got back in the car, and this time M took my hand pretty quickly. We drove past the school M goes to, and i thought it was pretty cool to see. Now I can kinda imagine where M is once we both go back to school.
Oh also, because of COVID, we're going back to school on January 10th instead of the 4th which is awesome for me because then I have more time to hang out with M :)
It was a shorter drive to M's house than I thought, so once O's dad started asking which street M's house is on, I took my chance.
I wrapped my other hand around our intertwined hands and rested my head on their shoulder.
After a second, they leaned their cheek against my head and I smiled.
I felt so happy and warm and comfortable. The only way I can describe what it felt like is through this song, especially the chorus:

Once we stopped outside M's house, M seemed like they didn't want to leave and I didn't want them to either. But of course The had to.
O's mom turned around and saw us cuddling, and I'm really glad she didn't say anything.
O, M, and I got out of the car to say goodbye, and when I hugged M there was a split second when I have the feeling neither of us wanted to pull away. But we did, and for a second when M turned to look up their driveway, I think their hand lingered on my waist which gave me butterflies.
Then O and I got back in the car and M waved to us, blowing a kiss.
We started driving back to my house in silence, and then O turned to me and grinned mischievously while intertwining her hands and pretending to lean on someone's shoulder.
O told me they saw M's head leaning away from her and looked closer, noticing that they were resting their head against mine and we were holding hands. I told O that we'd held hands multiple times before she noticed.

So yeah that's everything that happened yesterday :)
Now I'll explain the art.
A couple nights ago M and I were on FaceTime while getting ready for bed, which was nice and felt casual. We were just chatting while brushing our teeth, and M suggested that we could make digital art wallpapers for each other. Of course I said that sounded like a great idea, and I started working on one right away.
I'm also going to print this design on a shirt and give it to them as a gift as well as a stuffed animal (hopefully a frog if I can find it).
So, at last, here's the art:

I hope you were entertained by my little storytime!I'm gonna go say good morning to my girlfriend now :)

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I hope you were entertained by my little storytime!
I'm gonna go say good morning to my girlfriend now :)

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