Chapter 6: The encounter with the snage

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Everything was quiet on this warm yet windy morning, apart from the trees blowing from the wind looking like they might of been dancing, the birds singing their happy little songs and the footsteps of the many characters in this story walk through the woods with the odd few running like there was no tomorrow, possible chasing the birds and rabbits around, knowing what Fomey can be like when in the woods, though they all didn't know what lurked deep within the woods...

"Fomey, could you possibly just stop chasing the birds around for now please... I don't think that the birds wish to be eaten by you, my sweet." Meta knight called to fomey as he tried to catch her up, running after her, before looking back.

"She's always is behaving childish like this when we go out on walks and she always will be like it. Despite her always chasing the birds, she seems to love their singing, sometimes she even cries when the birds sing." Crystal noted before taking a few breaths and grinning.
"Now I know you probably want to stop her yourself, but I think having someone older then her by more then a month and someone with a more responsible age gap.." (Crystal pulls a smug face at Meta knight, knowing that he wouldn't like it, for a few seconds.)
"Now let me call her back her, you dumb, pathetic excuse of a creature......... Where has that little fluff ball gone now!?" Crystal mutters just loud enough for everyone else to hear while she made sure no one else decided to bogged off, she looked as if she was going to scream at the top of her lungs,

The twins (Arter (who was wearing a coat and mask since he has a serious pollen allergy) and Sanna) walked ahead before stopping at a bunch of bushes in front of them. Stevie followed them close behind, then Sanna had began to twitch her ears, everyone stopped and stared at her for a moment.

Sword finally spoke and asked,
"Is she okay?" Crystal then walked up to the bushes and then Florence, ran up to the bush aswell, because she thought she could hear something, Crystal took a second to see if she could hear something aswell, and then she declared.

" I can hear a rustling like noise from other side of these bushes but it's hard to tell is it's getting close any idea wha-" but before Crystal could finish her sentence Fomey came bursting through the bushes, stumbling and tripping screaming at the top of her lungs, she jumped right into sir meta knights arms, and through tears stuttered,

" s-s-sna-snake...... D-d-do-dog....., mi-mix-mixture.. MO-MON-MONSTER!!!!!!!!"

Meta Knight muttered something into Fomey's which only could be heard as, "Did you forget you're .... Fomey?"
Everyone looked over towards the bushes as the rustling continued to get louder, everyone stepped backwards expect Crystal who had pulled out a teal crystal spear, and Meta Knight made sure to be infront of Fomey, after making a slightly confused face at her, to makes sure she was safe. Then the creature emerged, the demon beast known as, Snage slithered out of the bushes and began to attack everyone.

Tiff and Tuff ran out of the creatures path to take cover at the edge of the fight, The twins, Stevie, all hid with Florence behind a magic bubble she created, Shady and Twinkle just straight up left the forest. Sword and Blade pulled out their weapons and began attacking the demon beast, Meta knight pulled out his sword, Galaxia and ran in and began to slashing his sword at the demon beast as it bounded around.

"Really?! You are all just fighting a giant snake dog?!" A voice yelled, seemingly from Meta Knight's sword.

Kirby, upon Tiff's command inhaled some different coloured leafs that had been knocked out the tree by the Snage and he then became leaf Kirby. (can you just imagine the super cool transformation into leaf Kirby like in the anime.... Please)

Fomey climbed up into a tree and then she began, to pick up any nearby rocks she could see with her telekinesis and began chucking them at Snage, making sure that not a single one rock would hit someone other then the Snage (or Crystal) and Crystal was attack the demon beast by jabbing at it with her spear.

The Snage then began to throwing it's self about and made a quite cheeky move of staying still in one spot without moving a inch then just as sword and blade were getting close it slithered quickly out of the way leaving the two to bashed into each other, before they got up and tried again.

Meta knight on the other hand was trying his best to close enough to hit it and Kirby was attacking it with his leafs that were moving so fast they left multiple scratch marks on its long, scaly body, but it didn't do much, just like fomeys stones.

It make a dive towards the tree Fomey had climbed up into but before it did manage to do anything, Crystal had managed used her telekinesis to throw the Snage backwards leading to it hit a nearby tree.

Meta knight got the finishing blow he had been trying to go for, and it was done the Snage exploded on defeat. Strangely enough it hadn't even leave a mark or dent on the tree from the explosion that Snage cause when it died, but it was damaged by having Snage thrown against it.

Meta knight helped Fomey get down from the tree and then after a little cool down everyone was beginning wondering why there had been a demon beast even though Nightmare had already been defeated, they decided it would be best to head back since they left that morning and it was getting dark, and everyone was getting rather tired after that event, so they all started to head back to the castle to rest.

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