Prologue ; Empty Promises

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A little girl was hidden under a table in the den of her grandparents. To keep her giggles quiet from the ears of her grandmother she placed her hands over her mouth and thought to herself ; She won't find me here!

"Asuna, child. Come now, we must get you ready for your birthday party! You don't want to keep your guests waiting, do you?" Grandmother Wakahisa said in her gentle but stern voice.

She walked around the table, looking in every possible corner but couldn't so much as find her scent in the room. Before giving up she gave up, she had gotten an idea.

"Asuna.. I guess you don't want to see your family.."

Little Asuna kept hidden still, not wanting to give up her hiding place.

"Your cousins will be here, Darling. The royal family from the West, East, and South will be here. Shuu will come aswell-"

Little Asuna quickly came out from her hiding place and smiled joyfully at her grandmother, "I'm here, Aoyama! I'm here!"

Aoyama gave a small laugh, taking her hand. "Yes, I see that. Now let's go Asuna, we must get you into your gown for the evening."

"Yes, Aoyama-san."

She followed behind her grandmother up the grand staircase and the busy hallway of servants preparing the meals and drinks for the guests.

"Good evening, Lady Asuna. Happy birthday." a young servant girl said to Asuna before retrieving back to her duties.

Asuna gave her a smile and a wave before seeing her go.

"Let's go dear, we don't have much time to spare." Aoyama pulled her granddaughter past the servants and eventually made it to Asuna's room.

"Allright darling, Choose your gown allright? I'll fetch your cousin Aimi, She'll make you feel like a princess on your special night."

Before Asuna could interject, her grandmother had already left. She was yet again, alone in her room. It wasn't that she was afraid of being alone, she was used to it infact but that didn't mean she fancied being alone, isolated from everyone else.

Her earliest memory began in this room, though everyone surrounded her and spoiled her with toys and sweets, dressed her with only the best of clothes and gave her the finest cuisine along with the finest of education. Even with these advantages to her, she couldn't help but carry this unholy feeling of being unwanted.

She ignored it most of the time to avoid talking about it or glooming on about it. After all she was still a child, she shouldn't be feeling like this. She should feel happy, but how can you feel something when you yourself don't even know what it is?

To be truthful, Asuna felt empty. She felt as if she were missing something in her life, maybe it had something to do of her absent parents?

She loved Aoyama and her grandfather, Kioshi, she was grateful to have them and appreciated everything they've done for her. And that was precisely why she felt she was giving into her selfishness, even when she was blessed with such loving grandparents she still would give anything to see her own mother and father.

Asuna would feel ashamed thinking on the subject, feeling ungrateful for all they've done. She knew if she ever asked of her parents it would break their hearts. So she would wait until they felt was the correct time to tell her but how long would that be?

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