(Important A/N)

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Guys at this point, I'm undergoing a writer's block. I'm sorry for the inconvience, but I don't know where I'm going with this story. Self-doubt is an ugly thing as many as you know, but to make one thing clear ;

I am not giving up on this fan-ficition.

But I am going to be re-writing this story, so things will become more comprehensible. So it will actually make sense.

At the most, the next chapter won't be until make a month or so. But I will update eventually just not as this very point in time, But thank you all for choosing ReSurfaced. :)

Out of all the VK fan-fictions, you choose to read mine and that means alot. I would love to give a thanks to my supporters who were here and cheering me on from the very start, I couldn't have done it without you!

Thank you, Hopefully I will update soon! :)

~ Aurora

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